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"Where's your girlfriend?" Jackie asked looking less than pleased

"She's busy." Johnny shrugged

"Or in other words you don't want her to meet us."  Adam corrected

"Yeah or that." He shrugged. 

"You're horrible!" Jackie shook her head and the boys made their way to the dining room and immediately looked at each other when they noticed table was set for six people.

"Mum why is the table set 6?" Adam whined

"Poor Val, she is coming for dinner bless her she and Larry are having another argument and the other plate was for girlfriend who isn't coming." Jackie said frustratedly.

"You know, now I'm certainly think she doesn't exist like this whole Allison situation." Adam said teasingly.

"You know she doesn't exist."

"Wait you know that's not true." Johnny argued.

"Your brother has met her but your own mother and father aren't allowed." Jackie said giving her son a stern look

"Yeah I picked Johnny up from her house about hour ago." Adam said

"Not helping." Johnny said, annoyed with his older brother.

"Wait you're living together?!"  Jackie said excitingly

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"We aren't living together I just stayed there last night." He shrugged.

"SEX!" Martin shouted walking into the room

"MARTIN!" Jackie scolded.

There was a knock at the door,   so Jackie walked over assuming that it would be Val, her best friend, so she walked to the door saying

"Hello Val." she opened the door and saw Jim, her neighbour that constantly came over for random things and he asked


"Sorry Jim I thought you were someone else." Jackie sighed annoyed that it wasn't her best friend but her annoyingly weird neighbour.

"Val?" Jim asked again

"Yes well can I help you something because we were just about to start dinner." Jackie said annoyed

"Yes well I was walking past and I noticed your doorbell wasn't working." He said staring at Jackie.

"Right well there is a sign Jim." Jackie said showing him the sign on the door that they put up earlier that night. Jim looked at Wilson, flinching constantly

"Right well I'm going now Jim." Jackie said closing the door and just as Jackie had closed though there was another knock

"That better not be him again." she muttered. She opened the door and pleasantly to her surprise it was Val.

"Hello Jackie Martin boys." She came into the house and immediately her and Jackie both went into the living room for some time to gossip about random things going on in their lives.

However Martin was complaining the entire time to the boys saying he was too hungry, so they all decided to go back in there and started bugging Jackie until she decided to serve dinner.

"Mum can we have dinner now I'm going back to Gianna's at 10. Johnny said impatiently

"SEX" Martin said joining them

"Yes I'll give you your dinner and Martin stop shitting saying sex you bloody moron and also you better bring your girlfriend next week."

"Yes Johnny your mother really wants to meet her." Val stated

"Yes auntie Val." Johnny rolled his eyes

"I have to say she is very pretty but not as pretty as my son's wife." and winked at them.

"Foot face." Adam coughed.

"What was that!" she was said sternly

"Nothing." He said, they all sat down to dinner and managed to get halfway through before there was another interruption.

"Oh bloody hell that would be Jim I know it." Jackie complained. Martin and boys all went to the door and surprise, surprise it was Jim

"Hello boys, Martin, is your mother and she and we're in the middle of dinner so could you maybe come back later?" obviously lying and trying to close the door.

"Of course for Jewish Friday night dinner I've just wondering..."

"Bye Jim." Martin said, closing a door

"What did he want ?" Jackie asked.

The Goodman's and Val finished their dinner and had their crimble crumble and Jackie asked Johnny

"So you going back to Gianna's now?"

"SEX!" Martin coughed which earned him a cold look and a slap on the shoulder from his wife

"Yes mum so excuse me." Johnny said pushing his way out of the front door quickly and put on his coat and shoes,

"She better be coming next time!" Jackie shouted before he completely closed the door he rolled his eyes and drove back to his girlfriend's house.


so thats the 3rd chapter, hope you like it, leave me some comments so I know what to do and if I should carry on.


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