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"You really are shit at driving you know." Adam said teasing his younger brother

"No I'm not." Johnny huffed

"You've got no control of the vehicle." Adam pointed out shutting the door.

At that point, his car alarm started going off, making the lights flash, while Adam laughed at the timing and Johnny desperately tried to stop it.

"See no control of the vehicle." They walm up to the front door, seeing it slightly ajar.

"Why is the door open." Johnny asked.

The boys walked inside just as the downstairs toilet door opened, with Jim coming out, looking at them while flinching at Wilson.

"Hello boys." He said awkwardly.

There was a silence until johnny broke it saying

"Hello Jim." Looking at his brother in confusion.

"Good boy Wilson." Trying to grab the dogs lead, flinching every time he went through.

They moved out of the way showing Jim the door just as Jackie, their mother came through.

"Oh hello boys." Giving them each a hug.

"Hello bambinos." Martin, their father said shouted form the garage.

Johnny asked what they were doing in the garage, but Adam intervened saying

"Don't you mean what is Jim doing in our toilet?"

"Oh right well Jim said his toilet is broken and I'm making your father chuck away all his old science magazines, they're a load of crap."

"They are not crap they are collectables." Martin argued.

"No top today." Johnny asked looking at his brother.

"Excellent." Adam replied amusedly.

"Right come on boys, dinner won't be long now." Jackie said pushing the boys into the house.

He boys went through and while Adam went off somewhere else, Johnny went to the dining room and put salt in Adam's glass went he wasn't looking.

He came back in and johnny waled over there threateningly, saying

"You better not tell mum and dad."

"Tell him what?" Adam asked innocently.

Jackie walked with plates of food in her hands and set them on the table, seeing them talking quietly and suspiciously.

"What ae you two whispering about?'

"We were just talking about how much crap dad collects." Johnny made up.

"Right." He said suspiciously. Matin came through, complementing the food, joking that the turkey was squirrel.

"For god's sake Martin, how many times do I need to tell you to put a shirt on, we don't want to see your bosoms while we're eating." Jackie scolded him, whipping him with a tea towel.

"Ow, bloody hell Jackie." He complained.

They started eating, and suddenly there is a knock on the door. Jackie complained so she sent Adam and johnny to see who it is. They walked up and opened the door, seeing Jim at the door with Wilson, his dog.

"Hello Johnny." Jim said.

"Adam." Adam corrected.

"I'm Jim." He said smiling.

They talked for a bit, making awkward conversations, eventually Jim went to the toilets and the boys went back to the dining room, sat down.

"Was it Jim again." Jackie moaned.

"Yeah he is quite strange isn't he." Adam laughed.

"Just a bit." Johnny said.

"So Adam." Martin wiggled his eyebrows, letting the family know what he was going to ask.

"Oh dad not this again." He complained.

"Any females."

"No dad, no females." He sighed.

The continued talking, and eventually Martin asked if hey though Jim had got any 'lady action'.

"Nah he probably holds them hostage."

"I reckon his dog gets more." Johnny replied jokingly.

Jim walked into the room holding Wilsons lead and the family looked around awkwardly. They talked for a while making conversation but a while later the boys showed Jim out, and they resumed their dinner without any interruptions. So Jackie brought up the fact that the boys were acting suspicious and said

"So boys what's been going on your acting quite suspicious."

"Nope, nothing, everything is fine, don't worry."

"Are you sure johnny-boo." She turned to Adam and gave him a pointed look so Adam blurted out

"Johnny's got a girlfriend." Johnny looked at angrily and shouted

"You bastard." And threw water at him. 

Johnny's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now