The Annual Rivers Memorial Day Barbecue

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"He wanted to know if Deylia and Tyler where here. When I told them that they were here he said to send them back home." Bellas dad said

Bellas parents told Deylia and Tyler to go back home. Both of them went back home.

"Dad, Are you cheating on mom again? Is that why you are getting divorced?" Bella asked

"No, I am not cheating on your mother. Why would you think that?" Bellas dad asked

"Tyler told me that he overheard his parents talking about you cheating on mom with her sister." Bella said

"That was a long time ago Bella. When your aunt Spencer was back in high school your mother and I were dating and I had cheated on her. We broke up but then a year later we were back together. I have never cheated on your mom since." Bellas dad said

"What about you and Tylers mom? He told me that he heard his parents talking about the two of you back when his mom was in high school." Bella said

"After your mom and I broke up because I cheated on her I went out with your aunt Spencer for a little while. Then when we broke up I had a short relationship with Tylers mom. That was a really long time ago Bella. After that your mom and I got back together and we worked through our problems, got engaged then got married, and eventually had you." Bellas dad said

Back at the Rivers House

Deylia and Tyler arrived home and their parents were not happy with them.

"Did the two of you really think that you could leave this house and we would not be able to figure out where you went?" Hanna said

"We were going to come home. We just needed to spend some time away from the house." Deylia said

"Deylia, you were still grounded from the party incident last week so you were not allowed to leave the house without us knowing where you were going and giving you permission." Caleb said

"I just went to a friends house. I did not cause any trouble." Deylia said

"Well now you are in trouble. Since grounding does not work for you we have to take away your summer trip to London." Caleb said

"Dad, you can't do that. I was looking forward to surprising Bella in London." Deylia said

"It is either that or we can take away something else. You choose between that trip to London and competing in dance." Hanna said

"If I chose the trip to London then I can no longer be a competitive dancer." Deylia said

"You do not have to give us your decision right now. Think about it and let us know what you decide." Caleb said

"Can I wait and decide after the recital next week. Branden and I have been working really hard on our duet and if that gets chosen for the state competition two weeks later then I guess I will have to chose competing." Deylia said

"Yes." Hanna said

"Tyler, we do not think that you should see Bella for a while." Caleb said

"Dad, Just because you do not like her parents does not mean that you can keep me from seeing her." Tyler said

"You can still see her at school but we do not want her coming over here or you going over to her house. If you want to go to the library and study together that is fine but that is all you should be doing with her outside of school." Hanna said

"So I can't even go on a date with her." Tyler said

"If you let us know that you are going on a date and tell us were you are going then we can allow you two to continue dating or we could do what we are doing with Deylia by making you choose between dating Bella and playing baseball in the summer travel league with JT." Caleb said

"I would rather not choose between my girlfriend and baseball." Tyler said

"Then follow the rules and you will not have to chose." Hanna said

The rest of the day went okay. Deylia and Tyler tried to stay on their parents good side for the rest of the night. The family barbecue went good. Branden came over so Deylia was happy. Tyler was glad that he got to see Bella earlier in the day.

I personally reply to all Reviews or PMs from logged in users. I am always open to any feedback. I have two options for this story. I am going to continue it but I can continue it in two ways.

Option one: Continue the story like I am now. Continue updating a few times a week. The same characters would still be used but I will try to make a rotation so the characters are being used on a certain order.

Option Two: Continue the story in a new next generation story. This would become Season 1 and the next story would be season 2. The same characters would still be used but it would like a part 2 to this story.

Tell me if you would rather have option one or option two.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please Review or PM me with your Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions, Questions, Predictions, or Anything Else that you would like to know. Also would you like longer chapters with new chapters posted 1 to 2 times a week or shorter chapters with new chapters posted 3 to 5 times a week? If you prefer I could do a mix of longer and shorter chapters. The next chapter will be up as soon as I write it. I am not sure what it will be about yet so please send me your ideas.

Chapters and Characters coming up in the future

Chanel DiLaurentis and Coco DiLaurentis - A chapter about their high school graduation. Again if you do not want a spoiler then do not read the next sentence. They will have a graduation party at their house that gets a little out of hand.

Alex DiLaurentis-Fields and Enzo DiLaurentis-Fields - A chapter about their summer adventures. I have not planned this chapter yet so there will be more details to come. It will be a while before I get to this chapter since I still have to go through the rest of the current school year and the graduation of the high school seniors.

Will Rivers and Darcy Rivers - A chapter about their summer adventures. Will and Darcy will be going to sleep away camp for two weeks. It will be their first time away from their parents and that makes them a little hesitant to go.

Please continue to Review or PM me with the characters that you want to see in upcoming chapters and what you would like to see happen to them in upcoming chapters.


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