Chapter 2

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February 2nd

It happened exactly as Gracie had planned.


They went home and after an hour Danny came,Grace was laying at her bed when Danny came in

Danny-Where is Grace babe?

Steve-She wasn't feeling well when I picked her up from school,I got her to bed and she is asleep,she was coughing and I think she has the flu


Steve-No,I checked but I will check later,I made her soup for when she wakes up

Danny looked at him,fondness in his face,he left the groceries and hugged him

Danny-Thank you

Steve-For what?

Danny-For making sure she is okay

Steve-What are you talking about babe,I love Grace as if she was my daughter,I think of her as if she is my daughter,never thank me for looking after her

Danny couldn't resist but kissing Steve,the two men were happy,they brake the kiss but they don't pull away,Danny hugs Steve and Steve hugs him back

Danny-I love you so much

Steve-I love you too Danno

Suddenly they hear Grace's voice

Grace-Uncle Steve can you bring me a glass of water?

Steve-On my way Gracie

He turns to Danny

Steve-Go to your baby girl,I am taking those groceries to the kitchen and I'll get her water and her soup


Steve gets the groceries to the kitchen and Danny goes to check on Grace

Danny-Hi monkey,how you feelin?

Grace-Danno?My head hurts *cough* can I have a glass of water?

Steve came inside the room,Grace sat upwards and he gave her the water and she drunk it instanly

Grace-Thanks Uncle Steve

Steve you are welcome Gracie,eat this and I am going to go put the groceries on their place

Danny-I'll make sure of that

Steve kisses him and leaves

After 30 minutes Danny comes out of Gracie's room,holding the bowl and the glass of water

Steve-Does she feel any better?

Danny-Yeah but I check for fever again,could you go check the thermometer in five minutes so I can wash those dishes?


After five minutes he leaves for Grace's room,he enters and he closes the door

Steve-You were very convincing there Gracie,you almost convinced me

Grace gives him the thermometer

Grace-I told you,it's not the first time I do it

Steve reads the thermometer,98.6*F

Steve-How did you?Do you really have fever Gracie?

Grace smirked and she took the thermometer from Steve

Grace-I putted it under my bedside lamp,you never did it?


Grace-And how did you skipped school?

Steve-I didn't,if I played the ill card,I wouldn't be able to go swim that day

They laughed

Steve-I go to tell your dad and then I'll tell him about LA


*End of throwback*

And so he did,Danny didn't complained at all,this night at 10 o'clock Steve took a cab and headed to the airport.He took a night flight so he would be able to sleep and he wouldn't stay away much,only two days,just to ask Danny's parents and he would be back the next day.He was nervous but he was confident

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