Chapter 1

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February 2nd

Steve went to get Grace from school while Danny went for shopping.On the car on their way home,Steve wanted to ask a very important question

Steve-Grace I want to ask you a very important question but first,do you like that Danno and I are together?

Grace looked at him frustrated with the question

Grace-Sure,you are the best thing that ever happened to Danno,I never seen him happier than when he is with you,you are the best fit for each other and the least I can say is that I love you,you are the best but,uncle Steve,why do you ask me that?You already knew the answer

Steve-Because of what I wanted to ask you now,do I have your permission to ask Danno to marry me?

Grace's smile reached her ears,she started screaming


Steve was surprised but happy with Grace's answer,he felt like a big weight was gone off his chest

Steve-Thanks Grace,I need your help though,first don't tell Danno anything

Grace nodded in agreement

Steve-Okay,second I need you to keep Danno in Hawaii while I will go to New Jersey to ask permission from your grandparents

Grace-Okay,but how will I do that?

Steve-Well I haven't figured something yet but I thought maybe you could think something

Grace looks at Steve and after a couple of seconds she opens her mouth to talk

Grace-I got the perfect idea,listen

Steve-I am all ears

Grace-I'll pretend I am sick so he will have to stay with me since mum is at London and you'll tell him that something came up with aunt Mary and that you have to flight at Los Angeles,he won't be able to come with you and you can go at the mainland and I won't go to school for a few days,win-win

Steve looked at Grace surprised that she came with such a plan,he was happy about the little girl but at the same time he was a bit scared on what would happen if Danno found out that she was faking her illness to help him,Grace like she knew what Steve was thinking,she turned to him and looked him

Grace-Don't worry what Danno will do if he finds out I am not sick,it's not the first time and he won't have problem spending time with me

Steve looked at her surprised and smiled

Steve-You are a lot like Danno you know

Grace smiled and hugged him when he pulled to the parking lot of his house

Grace-I love you uncle Steve

Steve-I love you too Gracie

he hugged her back and then they got out of the truck and inside the house 

Getting Permissionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن