"I can't be bothered with today's classes" Taylah said stomping her way towards a spare seat.

"You and me both" I replied.

"Guys cheer up" Cora chimed in.

"No" Taylah said throwing some food onto her plate.

"What happened to the fun Taylah" Cora exclaimed.

"She's gone for now, classes are stressing me out" she said sighing.

"You should do the work set then instead of leaving it till the last minute"

"Yeah yeah I know" Taylah said.

I was tired of listening to their 'Argument' and decided to leave and go to class a couple of minutes earlier then everyone else. That way I might have a chance to ask Remus what is going on. I was eager to find out especially as Severus told me to be careful with him.

"I'm off see you both in class" I said rotating my body and stepping up from the chair.

I heard them both say a faint bye as I exited the great hall.
I began to walk towards the DADA classroom which was on the third floor. Great I had to climb mounds of stairs.

After finally reaching the room I knocked hesitantly on the door.

"Come in" i heard a very familiar voice shout.

I pushed open the door and strolled into the room and saw Remus with his back turned towards me and him leaning over his desk at the front.

"Professor" I declared.

"Miss Malfoy" he gulped pushing his hand through his brown hair.
"Your early"

"Yes, I always come early sir you should know that by know" I laughed taking my usual seat.

"Ah yes" he replied turning back around again.

"Professor are you alright you seem, say nervous" I asked pursing my lips.

"I'm fine"

"Say Professor you've been away so you might not know but I nearly died before the holidays but I got this cool scar" I said making him turn around to me while I pointed at it with a faint smile.

I saw Remus gulp with his eyes narrowing on me. I saw water build up in his eyes right before he turned and hurried up to his office and shut the door behind him.
What the hell is going on with him. Surly he didn't have anything to do with my attack. Right?


"Hey Celia, how are you feeling" Cora asked taking a seat next to me.

"I'm good but Remus is acting weird" I replied turning towards her.

"Oh how so"

"Well I told him how I nearly died and he didn't say anything and ran into his office" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hm that is odd" she exclaimed.


"Now class turn to page 402, we will be learning about dark charms today" Remus announced to the class walking down the stairs from his office.

For the whole of the lesson Remus didn't speak to me or ask me any questions and this was odd because he always used to give me a small smile every now and again and always pick me to answer questions resulting in lots of house points.
I needed to speak to him because this was unlike him at all. Something was bothering him and I was going to find out what!


"Sir" I questioned.

Remus glanced at me and saw I had stayed behind.

"Miss Malfoy you should get to your next class" Remus replied hastily.

"But first I have a question" I pleaded.

"Fine" he finally replied.
"Go ahead"

"Do you know anything about my attack, because you was acting strange when I told you about it"

"Celia" he sighed.

First name alright then. I thought to myself.

"What" I raised my eyebrow.
He was about to say something but stopped hesitant with the words he was going to speak.

"Well" I said impatiently.

"I'm a werewolf" he gulped glancing down on the floor.

"Y- You a-"
"Your saying that you was the one who attacked me" I felt my heart beat a million times a minute. How did I not know this, all the signs was there. The time he faced the boggart he saw a full moon and the scars. How could I be so stupid.

There was a big silence that filled the room.

"Celia" he said softly.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't control it"

" I- I know, it's not your fault Remus" I said.
Tears began to escape my eyes. I felt sorry for Remus that he had to deal with this by himself.

"You have no idea how sorry I am" he said stepping forward.

"It's okay" I squeaked.

Remus surprisingly put his hand on my shoulder and tried to comfort me from the shocking news he just told me.

"I have to go" I announced glancing up at his face. He looked hurt.

Remus let go of my shoulder and dried a tear with his hand. I shivered at his touch. I knew how bad he felt and how sorry he was. How ever hard I tried I couldn't be mad at him. He couldn't control it after all.

"I really am sorry" he said as I disappeared out the door.


I ran all the way towards potions glass wiping the tears which kept falling down. I was late but I didn't care.
I pushed open the door causing everyone to turn their heads. I rapidly took my seat not looking at anyone. My eyes where slightly red from crying a little bit and I'm sure Severus will notice when he looks at me.

'Miss Malfoy, your late' Severus said in his languid tone.

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again"

"Look. At. Me when Im speaking to you" he snapped.

I jumped not used to his snappy tone but realised I'm in class so he had to treat me like he would any other student. I turned my head up tears still threatening to fall. His face softened seeing me upset like this.

"Stay after class" he mumbled

"Yes Professor" I replied no more then a whisper.


Towards the end of potions class, I felt my arm start to burn it made me wince in pain. It felt exactly how it did when I got the dark mark put upon me.
Shit. I thought.
My eyes snapped up to meet Severus'. We both knew what it was and my heart started to beat fast. It was the dark lord he was summoning us.

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