Hearing a ringing from his pen, he answered it.

Y/n: Greeting chief. What I have to say about this situation is that Carmen Sandiego might not been here, or there was another that she was working with it competing with. Either someone else did the bidding.

Chief: That is some great assumption but what makes you so sure that she wasn't the only one here?

Y/n: Knowing Sandiego's style, leaving trails that hints that she was here isn't her normal style. She would clean up if she would want to leave without a trace.

Chief: I see that you are taking it much more seriously.

Y/n: Yeah, I use these clues seriously when I see em. So have you gotten useful for us.

Chief: ACME has just obtain the surveillance footage. It's taken from the cage across the street. Unlike the museum, their security weren't disable.

Y/n: Sounds to me like her partner ran off or something.

Chief: Please be certain that she isn't another copycat. Do you remember your snowmobile incident.

Y/n: She and her other partner got the drop on me the last time but I could tell that she was her partner form before.

Chief: You're the only agent who have been face-to-face with her.

Y/n: That is her. I could tell by her face.

Julia: You roll by back 30 frames please.

As she did so, the chief found something.

Julia: Do you see that blur of color?

Chief: A second figure?

Y/n: So that's where her somewhat partner appears to be.

Julia: It could be a rival, which might explain the debris.

Chief: Whoa! Who tp the place.


Carmen: That multi-colored freak show owes me a new hat.

Player: Make her take you shopping.

Carmen: I would if she left a paper trail.

Player: Ha! If only.

Carmen: We need to find Paper Star before she hands off the Magna Cartas to the next operatives.

Player: Why not take them back to VILE herself?

Carmen: Standard procedure in all VILE operations. This way, no one operative knows too much about any given jobs. If they get nabbed, they can only divulge so much information.

Player: Well don't sweat hey Ted. I'm scamming all local surveillance and pushing my new facial recognition software to the max. If she's still in India, I'll pin her down.

On the train.

Carmen spotted Paper Star in the vicinity and quickly took a seat nearby to avoid detection.

Carmen: "Target spotted."

Player: "Are you going to make a move?"

Carmen: "In such close quarters with someone as unpredictable as her? It's too risky. Someone could get hurt. I'll wait until she gets off the train before I make my move. Until then, I'll have to stay out of sight while keeping her in mine."

Suddenly, someone took a seat next to her, and it was none other than Agent Y/n himself.

Y/n: "Why, it would be downright impolite to leave a lovely young lady like yourself all alone, wouldn't it?"

Carmen: "And it would be equally impolite to sit next to her without asking first, don't you think?"

Y/n: "Well, I almost didn't recognize you without your coat, or perhaps it's the fact that you're not wearing anything red. If you had, I might have noticed you sooner."

Carmen: "Well, aren't you a long way from home, Agent Y/n?"

Y/n: "I'm just saying. But enough small talk, where are you hiding the Magna Cartas?"

Carmen: "Nowhere. But they're closer than you think."

Y/n: "I know you don't have them on you. It's someone you know, a partner or a rival perhaps? Take me to them."

Carmen: "Or what? You'll cuff me?"

Y/n: "Exactly. Let's see you try to get out of this one."

As he attempted to cuff her, he found that he had been cuffed instead.

Y/n: "How does she keep doing that?"

Luckily, it was only one hand, so he managed to pick the cuff right off and followed after her. Carmen was sitting with Jules at the moment, but she noticed that Y/n had freed himself from the cuff. She decided it would be best to leave. As she left, Julia caught a glimpse of her face and realized it was Carmen Sandiego. Carmen followed Paper Star throughout the train, and they eventually ended up battling on the roof. Paper Star was about to escape, but Carmen tossed a piece of the train roof at the bag Paper Star was holding, cutting the string. Just before Carmen could catch it, Y/n also appeared on the roof, using the grappling hook he had to grab onto the Magna Cartas. Carmen smiled at him because it seemed like she might have finally found someone as competent as she is. The train came to a stop.

Y/n: "You know, Carmen, I've been chasing you for a while now, and I must say, I'm impressed. But I've got news for you, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. You may have outsmarted me in the past, but I'm always one step closer to catching you."

Carmen: "Well, Agent Y/n, I must say, I'm flattered. But you know what they say, the chase is half the fun. And I always enjoy a good challenge. So, bring it on."

Y/n: "Oh, don't worry, I will. And just so you know, I'm not just any agent. I'm Jamaican-French, and I'm always ready to bring the heat. So, are you ready to get burned?"

Carmen: "Oh, I'm always ready for a little heat. But let's see if you can handle my fire."

Y/n: "I can handle anything you throw at me, Red. And when I catch you, and I will catch you, I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

Carmen: "Well, Agent Y/n, I look forward to our next encounter. Until then, au revoir."

With a playful wink, Carmen disappeared into the crowd, leaving Y/n both frustrated and impressed.

Player: So the docs?

Carmen: They're in the hands of someone who will handle them well.Agent Y/n might be running with something slicker than I thought. I picked his pockets earlier. Think you hack an keycard?

Carme reached into her pocket to see that it was gone. Someone else has taken the keycard.

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