Strange things did happen here.

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The next morning, I woke up with a major headache. I groaned and sat up.

"No, don't leave." A voice groaned. I looked at the clock and realized it was only 5 am. I put my head back down. I heard a soft groan. A pair of arms wrapped around my torso.

"Todd, what are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"Shut up and sleep." He groaned. I giggled softly and went back to sleep.


"HELLO, LOVEBIRDS!" Charlie exclaimed. I sat up from my tired haze.

"Shut up, Charlie." I frowned.

"You must've missed out." Charlie said.

"Hm?" I asked.

"I'm not Charles any more. I'm Nuwanda." Charlie explained. I burst out laughing.

"What kind of a name is Nuwanda?!" I wheezed.

"I'm keeping up with living deliberately." Charlie pulled me out of bed.

"Now, c'mon. You've almost missed breakfast." Charlie got me on my feet and threw me some clothes. I went into the bathroom and slid into the clothes that I had been given. I had been given one of Todd's sweaters and a pair of jeans.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw a girl. A girl whose name was Natalia Overstreet. Natalia didn't look anything like herself. Her once nice curls had turned to mess. Her once gorgeous makeup was now streaked all over her face. I grabbed a rag and covered it with water. I put the warm rag on my face, removing the events of last night from my face. I combed my hair out of the ratchet looking mess.

Charlie had been yelling at me from outside the door for about 5 minutes now. I didn't mind. I looked better than I did before, and I thought I was ready to eat.

"Christ, Natalie! What were you doing in there?" Charlie questioned.

"I stopped Satan from taking my body away. He was close." I laughed.

"I have to admit, you did look like you got into a gang fight." Charlie smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't rub it in." I slapped him on the back.

We went to breakfast. All of the guys were there, except Todd. He was still sleeping. They were all very happy to see me.

"Hey, Overstreet. You look better after last night." Pitts smiled.

"Thank you. It was a tiring night. I don't even remember half of it." I said, taking a bite out of a muffin.

"It's best that you don't." Neil said sympathetically.

"Was it really that bad?" I questioned.

"If you call getting drugged and chased by an ex-boyfriend bad." Charlie smirked. Knox elbowed him.

"It's slowly coming back to me." I thought.


Charlie's POV--

I looked over at Natalie. Her eyes were tired. Her soul was tired. The dark circles under her eyes told a story. They said that she had many thoughts running through her head. She tried to contemplate what had happened to her last night. Her best friend would be melatonin if she could find some.

Her head was full of poetry but her entire body was too tired to comprehend it. She had the biggest urge to write it out. But, her body wouldn't let her. Her eyes were tired eyes. Tired eyes of a poet. I jumped up and ran to my room.

I grabbed a pen and paper. I wrote out a poem to share at our Dead Poets meeting later that day. Words flew from my pen quickly. It was wonderful.

I finished my last word when I heard a knock.

Tired Eyes of a Poet ~ Todd AndersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora