I just lost almost all my braincells.

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I clutched onto Knox for dear life so I wouldn't lose him on the crowded staircase. We had all of our classes together, so that was a relief. We had Chemistry first.

Knox and I took our seats in the back of the room. Charlie was already there, so I sat next to him. More students arrived as time went on. I saw Todd walk in. I shot him a smile. He gave me a small one back.

"You befriended the new kid?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah. I figured it would be nice since we were both new. He's really shy." I explained.

"I can see that." Charlie snickered. I nudged him.

"He's nice!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, the chemistry teacher came in, almost throwing me out of my skin.

"In addition to the assignments in the text, you will each pick three lab experiments from the project list and report on one every five weeks. The first twenty problems at the end of chapter one are due: tomorrow." He already seemed bitchy to me. This was gonna be hell.


Next, we had Latin. This was one of my biggest weaknesses. Luckily, I had Meeks and our study group to help me, so I would most likely pass.

I took my seat next to Neil, who had asked me if he could walk me there. I agreed happily. I attempted to talk to him, just so I wouldn't be bored. It might be nice to get to know him.

"So... what d'you like to do in your spare time?" I asked.

"I don't really know. I've always wanted to try acting. My father's always been against it." He explained.

"That sounds cool. I've always wanted to be an actress. Like, for as long as I can remember. I haven't been too sure about the idea since my parents want me to be a lawyer. I don't know, I guess I might try it someday."  I pulled out my textbook.

"Same dreams. That's pretty cool. Maybe we'll star in something together." Neil smiled.

"That'd be nice." I returned the smile.

"Hello, students. Please get your textbooks out and turn to page 165." The teacher, who looked like he was in his early 60's, instructed. I already had mine out, so I was one step ahead.


Neil and I walked to our next class, Trig. I was actually alright at this, considering I was horrible with Latin.

We sat in the back, as always. Charlie joined us. Then Todd. 

Dr. Hager walked into the room. I didn't like him so much, but I wasn't expecting to like any of my teachers. He handed out massive loads of paper. We all groan. 

"Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision. Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment will be penalized one point off his or her final grade. Let me urge you now not to test me on this point. Who would like to begin by defining a cosine?" He asked. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Overstreet?"

"A cosine is the sin of the complement of an angle or arc," I said rather quietly, but loud enough so he could hear.

"Very good, Miss Overstreet."


Todd and I walked together to English. I felt that it would be my favorite class. I had always been good at writing.

"Hopefully this guy is good." Todd looked at me with a gleam of doubt in his bright blue eyes.

"I would think so. At least if Nolan were to hire him." I explained. We walked into the classroom. I chose my desk in the back. Todd plopped into the desk next to mine. It looked like almost all our study group was in this class. Neil, Knox, Charlie, Pitts, Cameron, Meeks, Todd, and myself. Knox was picking on a kid who looked a little nerdy. I wrote 'Stop picking on that kid or I'll skin you.' On a piece of paper and crumpled it. I chucked it at Knox, making him flinch. He opened the note and shook his head.

Tired Eyes of a Poet ~ Todd AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now