Lost in their hearts.

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Happiness filled my soul. I got the part of Hermia. Neil got the part of Puck, the main character.

We ran down the hall of dorms.

"I got the part! I'm gonna play Puck!" Neil screamed at Knox.

"Puck you!" Someone exclaimed from their dorm.

"That's great, Neil! How about you, Nat?" Knox asked.

"I got the part of Hermia, the part I auditioned for." I smiled really big.

"That's my girl!" Knox exclaimed. I gave Knox a smile and ran off. I ran into my dorm room. Todd was writing something down. I pretended to look upset.

"Hey, Todd." I frowned. He jerked his head up from his paper.

"Oh, hey, Lia. What's wrong?" Todd asked.

"It's nothing. I just..."

"Did you not get the part?"

"I'M GONNA PLAY HERMIAAAAA!" I screamed. Todd jumped up. He picked me up and spun me around.

"I'm proud of you." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back. We stood there in an awkward silence for a few seconds.

I decided to take action. I leaned in slowly. I could feel him leaning in as well.

Then, the door opened. We both jerked away as quickly as we could.

"Uh- Sorry to interrupt. We're gonna have a study group after supper." Meeks said, awkwardly turning as he left.

Todd went back to his desk. He was writing his poem for English. There were many drafts that were crumpled.

"I uh... I need to go to the library. I'll be back for supper." I said awkwardly. I gave Todd a quick peck on the cheek and ran.


Welton's library was nice, but there wasn't much interest there. I was the only person there. I figured I might find something of poetry. I went back to where the poetry might be. I found The Divine Comedy. It was old. This copy must've been at least 50 years old. It smelled amazing, as old books do.

I was lost in literature. I hadn't noticed that so much time had passed. I looked at the clock on the wall. 5:58.

"SHIT." I picked up the book and ran. I didn't want to be late for dinner.

I made it to my dorm just in time. Todd was sitting on his bed, looking bored.

"Hey, Toddy." I smiled, throwing my book onto my bed.

"You took a long time in the library." Todd frowned.

"I know. I was lost in literature. Did you miss me?" I asked.

"Of course. You're my best friend." He smiled. I sat on his bed next to him.

"I'm pretty missable." I laughed.

"I know."

IM FALLIN FOR YA (sorry i was watching Teen Beach don't come at me.)

I leaned in slowly, hoping to GOD that nobody would walk in.

Our lips touched softly. I enjoyed the moment while it lasted. The bell for dinner rang, breaking our contact.

"Don't wanna be last!" I grabbed Todd's hand and ran out the door.


"I see a sweetness in her smile. Bright light shines from her eyes. But life is complete: contentment is mine. Just knowing that she--" Knox stopped. He lowered his paper.

Tired Eyes of a Poet ~ Todd AndersonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu