y/n is pregnant

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Y/n and Jason and a walk then y/n breath

Jason the toymaker: y/n? What is it

Y/n: being we long walk because am pregnant

Jason the toymaker: well I .uh what ?

Y/n show her stomach to jason

Jason the toymaker: gasp am be a creepypasta dad

Few min

Y/n feel a kick in side of her

Jason the toymaker: him are you ok ?

Y/n: the baby I thinking is come

Jason the toymaker: wait now but it too early ?

Y/n: tell that to the baby

Jason the toymaker get her to the hospital

Y/n breath in and out she push the baby out

Nurse: sir you can see your baby

Jason the toymaker: it's boy or girl

Y/n: it's a girl honey

Jason the toymaker: it is skellington wait she had red hair  like my hair

Y/n : look she open her eyes

The baby skellington open her eyes holes

Jason the toymaker: she doesn't have eyes

Y/n: I thinking she your daughter welcome to the world little one

Jason the toymaker: what we should call her

Y/n: Judy just skellington

Jason the toymaker: Judy ? Was name be well Judy it is

All the creepypastas was wait for the baby to see

Nurse : creepypasta she skellington right that

Creepypasta say : aww.

Slendy: she have red hair

Little Sally: no eyes

Jeff the killer: never mind

Jason the toymaker: I know is she so perfect we name her Judy skellington

Jane the killer: that so cool

Homicide Liu: is y/n come with us

Y/n get dressed and go to.labe

Jason the toymaker.was hold Judy y/n was happy that we have a child now

Ten year

Judy was 16 years now  y/n and jason the toymaker we thinking about see jason's toyshop

Jason the toymaker: judy are you ready

Judy: am coming am coming ugh

Judy put on her spider dress's on and her high heel shoes then put her spider tie  she go down stairs jason the toymaker was wait for her he grab judy to jason toyshop then he open his  door shop toy judy look every toys she saw a bunny it say mr bunny uhh

Jason the toymaker: judy do you want mr bunny

Judy: nods her for yes then jason the toymaker hand the bunny to judy

Then jason the toymaker and judy went come to home

Y/n: how was sweetie

Judy : something about this bunny is so Werid

Y/n: your father is a toymaker

Judy: t t toymaker ?! How found him did you care uncle jeff the killer and uncle homicidal liu too

Y/n: well when I mean your uncle's they won't normal the are creepypasta family

Judy: creepypasta family ?

Y/n and jason the toymaker and judy heard loud bang on the door

Judy : who was that ?

It was candy pop and Luaghing jack

Judy hide from candy pop and Luaghing jack

Candy pop: y/n where judy

Laughing Jack : yeah where is she

Jason the toymaker: I get her Judy judy where uh

Judy: da daddy who are those guys

Jason the toymaker : well they are my friends

Judy was calm she and jason go back upstairs

Candy pop and Luaghing jack look at judy

Jason the toymaker: candy pop Luaghing jack this our daughter her name is judy skellington

Judy wave her hand

Then jason the toymaker was not sure that she really for candy pop and Luaghing jack

Jason the toymaker: ok one of you two  have go out a date with my daughter get it guys

Candy pop nods

Luaghing jack nods

Judy was reading her book of a Halloween horror book

Candy pop it he turn

Candy pop: hey judy

Judy: hey candy pop what you want

Candy pop: good question

Judy look at candy pop that he seems excited too see judy

Jason the toymaker: well ?

Candy pop: nothing ! ?

Judy was still reading her books then it was Luaghing jack turn

Luaghing jack: hey judy

Judy: ugh what now Luaghing jack

Luaghing jack give her a candy but she a skellington she doesn't eat candy

Jason the toymaker: well?!

Luaghing jack: I get nothing

To be continue

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