it was morning in the creepypastas world

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Y/n's alarm clock wake her up then she turn it off

Jason the toymaker: god damn that  clock

Y/n: good we don't have any thing to do today hehe

Jason the toymaker: your right let just cuddle forever hehe

Jeff the killer knock on jason the toymaker door

Jeff the killer: you guys come down we are do a game together alright just get ready

Jason and y/n grunt we get dressed y/n get her shirt and jason gets his button shirt and yellow shirt and his red jacket and his hat y/n and jason hold hands they go downstairs lot creepypastas standing to stated

Slendy: ok this call five things but do the song it it goes like this 🎵 five things five thing five thing🎵 and you ask a question that like five thing that you name anything or something or a what or a person ok everyone who want to start the sing how about you jeff

Jeff the killer 🎵 fiiiive

Both creepypastas and y/n 🎵 five thing five thing five  five thing

Little sally : five thing that you do with your friends ?

Ben drowned:uh play games

Creepypasta and y/n: one

Ben drowned: kill them

Creepypasta and y/n : two

Ben drowned: have sex

Creepypasta and y/n: three

Ben drowned: eat a apple

Creepypasta and y/n : four

Ben drowned: have a gamer buddy

Creepypasta and y/n : five

Slendy: see that easy everyone

Y/n go upstairs jason the toymaker notice that she not down and he go upstairs then she was upset she had frowned on her face jason go near her he put his arms around her shoulders then y/n hold his arms then her head was down on his arms

Jason the toymaker: what happened

Y/n cry so much then jason was still hold her then he let go he turn her body he was kissing her then y/n kiss back the feel was still good but he still care about me so much but I still care my boyfriend so much heh

To be continue

jason the toy maker x teenager readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz