Chapter 1

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"Make your House a Home"

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"Make your House a Home"

Words : 1771
Artcredit :
@almirnt_ - Instagram

Phils pov

Phil was driving on the road with his car. Silently listening to his two sons in the backseet. Tommy was just complaining how shit the people where who kicked them out of their old house. Techno only gave him a hum from time to time or a "Yeah but we can't change it now, so accept it." Phil knew he felt the same way as Tommy, just didn't wanted to argue about something that wouldn't change anyways.

Phil sighned and spoke to the two boys in the back: "Come on boys! It will not be so bad. You guys can finally make your rooms however you want it!" He tried to push the non-existing excidement of the two.

"But I liked my old room...", came Tommys still not happy sounding answer.
"Tommys right Dad, I wish we could've just stayed. I don't really like moving.", came also Technos bored sounding statement.

Phil sighned. He knew they where right. He would also prefered to just stay but there was no turning back now. They just got kicked out of their home and he had to take the best offer he could get right now.

"Let's Just try to stay positive okay?", he smiled slightly. "We're there." The dark green car stopped in front of an old looking house. Plants had taken over the the stone path and ivy was climbing up the walls as big vines. All in all it almost looked like a haunted mansion.

Phil sighned again when he heard the car door closing behind and an annoyed scream from Tommy: "What the fuck? Dad no, you can't be serious. This thing looks like it would crush when I just punch it with my finger." "Punch it with your finger? I would love to see that." "Oh shut up, pig." Techno Just laughed silently at this and walked towarts Phil.

"So this is it? Our new 'home'?", the older teen asked. Phil Just nodded. "Sadly yeah. It was the best I could get that fast." Techno looked up to the top of the house. "Actually has a cool vibe. I could live here.", he said earning a surprised look from his dad. Giving him a small smile in response.

The three males entered the house and got welcommed with a big cloud of well tasting dust.
Tommy was sneezing and Techno was just waving his hand in front of his face to keep the dust away.

The house looked old. But somehow also cozy. Actually some plants where grown throu an open window. The dark wooden floor made the room looking warm. The walls just in a clean white , yellow or grey. In the hall was a staircase to the upper floor that lead to more seperated rooms.

Phil gave a silent laugh before he clapped in his hands. "Okay bois! Time to make this old building unsave! We only have a couple of hours before our stuff arrives!" All three of them went into different directions to explore their new home. Even Tommy seemed to get cought by the explorer instinct now. Because now he ran straight up the stairs. Techno slowly following behind him. Phil on it's own started checking the rooms down here.

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