CHI: "Why would dad say that? Uh. So annoying."

She then almost bumped into someone

CHI: "Oh sorr- oh not you."

AKIRA: "What did I do?"

CHI: "Nothing. You just reminded of something that happened at home."

AKIRA: "What happened?"

CHI: "Why should I tell you?"

AKIRA: "I don't know why should you?"

CHI: "What does that even mean?"

AKIRA: "Don't ask me."

CHI: *confused noises*

AKIRA: "You want to walk with me then?"

CHI: "Um yeah sure whatever." *blush*

They walked for a while, small chatter but mostly an awkward silence, but eventually they arrived to the base of a large hill.

CHI: "You wanna head up?"

AKIRA: "Sure why not."

They began to walk up but then a piece of paper flew into Chi's face.

CHI: "Damnit!"

AKIRA: "Hold up." *catches paper* "Do you know what this is?"

CHI: "Do I want to?"

AKIRA: "It's a map!"

Pog crossover moment

CHI: "Really? That's so cool." *sarcasm*

AKIRA: "We should at least check it out."

CHI: "Sure, why not." (It's not like I'm going home anytime soon)

AKIRA: "Alright! It says forty steps this way. 1, 2, 3..."

They followed the instructions through the woodland, coming across things like small statues and odd looking trees.

CHI: "Are we there yet?"

AKIRA: "Almost, god you really are a child." *small chuckle*

CHI: "Hey!"

They arrived at a tree with a beautiful view of the skyline of their town. They sat down and looked at the town.

CHI: "That's my house!"

AKIRA: "And theirs mine!" (I have a plan)

CHI: "Where???" *super chill*

AKIRA: "Why'd you wanna know?"

CHI: "No reason."

AKIRA: "Hey, there are names written on the trunk of the tree."

I rewatched about entire episode to get the names right.

The tree read: 'Yumi + Masao' and-

CHI: "Huh?!"

// Meanwhile //

TAKAGI: "Remember that tree?"

NISHIKATA: "Which tree?"

TAKAGI: "You know you remember."


TAKAGI: "Where did you put that map?"

NISHIKATA: "The lot, but there's a house there now."

TAKAGI: "Yeah, but how about some..." *leans closer*

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Some what?.."

TAKAGI: *leans closer, then springs back up* "Music?"

NISHIKATA: "Um, sure."

TAKAGI: *giggles in takagi*

// Meanwhile //

CHI: "My parents came up here?"

AKIRA: "It could be a coincidence."

CHI: "No, I always heard them talking about a tree. God it's like they follow me everywhere."

AKIRA: "What did happen here?"

Chi explained all about the tree and how

CHI: "it's where they fell in love..." *childish disgust*

AKIRA: "Love huh? I wonder what that's like? Hey Chi, do you have someone you love?" *smug 1000*

CHI: *distantly* "Yeah..." *snaps back* "What, I mean no!"

AKIRA: "Who is it??"

CHI: Not tellin- I mean nobody!"

AKIRA: *laughs*

CHI: "I- I just remembered I have somewhere to be."

AKIRA: "Bye!"


CHI: "I'm back!"

TAKAGI: "How was your date?"

CHI: "It wasn't a date! How did you eve-"

TAKAGI: "How did I even what?"

CHI: "Never mind." *pushes past Nishikata who is entering the room*

NISHIKATA: "What was that?"

TAKAGI: "Who knows? I have to head out for a bit, I'm meeting Sumire-San."

After she left she came across Akira, who was searching for a rock at the base of the hill.

TAKAGI: "What are you up to?"

AKIRA: "Why do you- Oh, hi. You're Chi's mum right?"

TAKAGI: "Yep."

AKIRA: "I was just, looking for some money I dropped."

TAKAGI: "It doesn't have anything to do with that tree does it."

AKIRA: *cooly* "I have no clue what you're talking about." 

TAKAGI: "Hmm." *respect 100*

Sorry this took so long! And sorry for all the false promises. Thanks for the support.

Word count: 1008

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