Chapter 28

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Third person's POV

"Master Chou, here are the papers that are needed to be signed." A guy said and placed the papers in Tzuyu's desk before going out while Tzuyu has her eyes on the window letting her thoughts drift away until the bell for break rang while she sighed and closed her eyes before standing up.

"Nayeon-ssi!" Suho called the bunny girl who was walking her way to the cafeteria to have her break but stopped when Suho called her.

"Oh hi there Suho." Nayeon greeted when the guy had stopped in front of her with a bright smile.

"You're going to have break now right?" Suho asked as she nodded her head while the guy smiled at her.

"Then would you eat with me today?" He asked and as Nayeon was about to answer Tzuyu walked pass them where Nayeon followed her with her eyes and saw her entering the cafeteria.

'That Chou Tzuyu really!' Suho said in his mind before smiling when Nayeon turned back to him.

"I'm sorry Suho, but maybe next time we can." She politely declined before turning around and walked to the cafeteria.

"What is it that-that Chou Tzuyu has that I don't?! I'm clearly a much better person than her." He irritably said gritting his teeth with his fist clenched before going inside the cafeteria too.

As Nayeon went inside the cafeteria she saw Tzuyu eating alone and thought about approaching her but stopped when another student just sat in front of Tzuyu, who didn't bother shooing her away.

"Guess she already has someone to eat with." She mumbled before turning around and walked away finding a table to eat at. As she turned around Tzuyu also turned her head to the direction of the bunny girl that she knows was about to approach her but decided against—'Aish! Why did this girl came here?' She asked herself looking at the girl in front of her.

"What are you doing here Elkie?" Tzuyu asked the girl who sat in front of her and smiled.

"I'm here to eat with you obviously, don't you not want me eat with you?" Elkie asked the younger who just ignored her and continued on eating her food.

"Come on Tzuyu are you still mad at me?" She asked again but also got ignored by the younger again.

"That was like 3 years ago Tzu, aren't you over that yet?" She asked while Tzuyu put down her utensils and stood up from her seat that made a loud noise inside the cafeteria that made all the students and teachers look at her—including Nayeon.

"Yah! Where are you going?" Elkie yelled when Tzuyu walked away out of the cafeteria and made her way out of the school just to go to her motorbike with Elkie following her—with a bunny also following.

"Yah! Why did you turn your back on me like that huh?!" Elkie irritably asked holding Tzuyu's wrist but let go when the younger looked at her with a blank expression that made her let go of her hands.

"What is it that you want huh? Why are you bothering me again? Aren't you satisfied with the pain you've caused me before?" Tzuyu continuously asked her with a straight face not wanting to blow up and cause a scene at her school.

"I just want you back Tzu, that's it." Elkie answered that made Tzuyu internally roll her eyes at the girl.

"Don't call me that, I despise you calling me that." Tzuyu grunted looking at her straight in the eyes before turning around about to wear to her helmet when Elkie grabbed her wrist and turned her around before connecting their lips—and that particular scene was the scene that the bunny saw when she finally reached them.

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