The Final Message

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Author's Note: A friend of the guy I like broke up with his girlfriend...over a text message. I have no idea why, but I heard that they were arguing outside the counseling center one day during third period, so I'm interpreting in that special way of mine- by writing a story about it.  Enjoy! =]

He was sick of her. Literally sick- he had thrown up after their last argument, not that he had admitted that to anyone, let alone divulged over the fact that he had a major fight with his girlfriend.

His phone wouldn’t stop fucking ringing and buzzing to alert him of yet another call and text message.  He had been trying to sleep- keyword trying- and then there was that incessant sound of shrilling emitting from his Sprint Evo like a whiny child crying for attention.

Couldn’t she take a damn hint? After their last debacle, he wanted to be left the hell alone. So what if he had an issue about staying in a committed relationship after June 3rd- which is the date of graduation, FYI. Even if they were both going to attend community college, he knew that their schedules would end up conflicting one way or another. He was thinking logically. 

“What do you mean you’re still undecided?” Samantha bickered, her eyes glowing in anger. She had expected her boyfriend to have finally decided what he wanted to make out of himself. Was it going to take him until graduation day to figure it out?

“I don’t know.” Dominic replied with a shrug. “I have no idea what I want to do yet.”

The thought of choosing something that you wanted to do for the rest of your life was stressful, and with only seventeen years of knowledge within himself, he wasn’t all too sure what he was truly good at doing quite yet.

Samantha huffed. “Then how are we going to take the same classes in college?”

“That depends on the scores of our placement tests.” he remarked with a scowl on his repugnant face.

“Oh my God, you sound like you don’t even care if we’ll be together in college or not.” Samantha rebutted, glaring at the boy in front of her. How could he act like this- like he could care less about their relationship?

“I don’t.” Dominic snapped, crossing his arms over his chest, taking a dominant stance.

Then, only after hearing the small gasp that escaped from Samantha’s lips, did Dominic comprehend the animosity of what he just said.

“What do you mean you don’t care?” she sneered, widening her eyes in shock. 

“I meant that I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship in college. I should focus on school.” Dominic complied, speaking softly.

“How long have you been thinking like this?” Samantha demanded, standing her ground and placing her hands on her hips.

“Since Mario broke up with that bitch Alexandra.”

“They only ended it because Mario liked that other girl,” Samantha defended trying to emphasize on the differentiation on these two issues through the distress in her voice.

“He still likes her,” Dominic scoffed, wishing he could make a damn poster that could announce it to everyone already. Why was everyone against seeing the truth in it all; of admitting their feelings?

“That doesn’t make sense,” Samantha chided. “He’s with someone else now.”

“It’s complicated.” Dominic ventured. He himself had no idea what was going on in that stupid mind of his best friend.

“Yeah, apparently like our relationship.” Samantha backfried, her voice pitching.

"Is that what this is?" he scoffed, widening his eyes. Lately all they've been doing was picking fights with eachother- was that what a relationship was?

"I"m not so sure anymore. Sometimes I wonder what the hell I ever saw in you." Samantha retaliated. Her voice had cracked at the end, as if she were ashamed to say her thought.

“You should go back to class.” Dominic retorted, trying to contain mixed feelings of anger and hurt.

“Fine, but this isn’t over.”

He had to end it now. Put a stop to it.

He picked us his phone and hit the reply button. His fingers blazed through the keyboard, finally able to vent what he had been waiting to say for so long now. 

[Sam, it’s over. I don’t want to be with you anymore. Move on with your life. I hope you’ll be happy with someone else. Don’t hang out with me and my friends anymore- I need space. Let’s not stay friends.]

As he pushed the “send” button, the phone popped a note reading: [This message exceeds the sending limit, would you like to send two separate messages?]

Dominic groaned and said, “No shit, phone!”

Then the final message was sent, and after a loud sigh of relief from being lifted away from his main reasons for stress, he switched off the black device and drifted off to a peaceful sleep with a smile on his face. All was right in his life again.


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