A Walk in The Grounds

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A walk in the grounds could never be dangerous. Right! You will just see how wrong you are.

Hermione's POV
I was in a cute black T-Shirt and some denim shorts. I was going for a walk in the grounds. 'Cause I do think I am allowed one. As I made my way down. And quickly reached the grounds. It was really foggy and misty. But the night was beautiful. As I was walking I saw a cloaked figure walking beside the Greenhouse. I quickened my pace and took my wand out. It could be someone dangerous, so I sneaked up on the person and lunged at him pinning him to the ground. I was shocked to see that the man I just pinned down was.....
..... Fast heartbeat
..... World rotating
It was Lord Omega. I was damn shocked. As I looked in those calm sea green eyes which had amusement glinting in them.

" Easy miss, or is it usual for you to pin people down who are walking peacefully in the grounds. " He asked. My cheeks burnt red. I could not believe what I had just done.

" I am really sorry. I just thought it was someone dangerous , I i mean that well you know we just went through a war last year and umm... I was just wondering who it was. And I am really really sorry Lord Omega."

" Of course, I am someone. dangerous Miss Granger or I would not have that aura around me." He spoke with a small smile. I guessed it was a smile because his lips had twitched up.
But the more important fact was that he was acting so calm and here I thought that he sticked swords down people's throat cause they disrespected him.

" I do assure you that I do get quite irritated when people disobey me but I just can't stick a sword down their throats. It would just be too messy. " He spoke standing up.

“ If you say so.” I whispered.
“ You know you are really sweet”
He whispered.
I could feel my cheeks turn red.
It was just too embarrassing.

“What about a walk?” He asked.
And you just can't say no to the king of universe.
“Why not. ” I spoke giving him a weak smile.

“So” He spoke.
“Yeah!” I replied.
“Why do you look so scared?”
“Well, you will agree it's not exactly like a picnic talking to the deadliest assassin of the world.”

“Is that a praise.” he asked.
“ You can take it as anything. ”
“Right.” he replied.

And I swear I saw a flicker of amusement in his eyes.

“And I should tell you that I was not always the deadliest assassin of the world. I too was a normal guy. You see I am also from Earth and I was also a demigod. ”

“Was???” I asked.
“Yeah! Something happened.”
And I nodded in sympathy. I knew everything. Then I had a feeling that he was narrowing his eyes at me.

“Umm why are you looking at me like this. ” I asked.
We had already reached the Black Lake.

“Cause you look like you know something.”
And I swear I could feel my cheeks burning. Stupid damn cheeks. End of the story. And. Since I did not want to be his dragon's meat. I told him everything.
“ It's good you told me. I hate liars. ”  He spoke.

“Well I do think you are a good company. ”

“ Am I? ”I asked.

“ Yeah and I would like to spend some more time with you. ” He spoke thoughtfully.

“Why don't you get ready tomorrow night. I will pick you at 11 pm. ” H spoke.

“All right. ” I spoke still not believing this dream.

The last thing I heard was a whisper of Goodnight when I fell asleep.

I woke up late that day but it was a weekend so it did not matter. I took a quick breakfast. Read Shakespeare's Winters Tale until it was time to get ready. As I stepped into my cupboard. I could feel the cupboard doing it's magic. As I stepped out to see myself in a stunning dress.

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