Chapter 67: Continuing

Start from the beginning

We sat in the room for about ten minutes before another lady called us back.

"So twenty weeks? Coming to find the gender and a check up?"

"Yes. But we're actually keeping the gender a secret."

"Alright. I'll put it in an envelope and you can send it to the person. Would that be okay?"


"Okay, so if I could have you lay back and lift up your shirt a little."

She did the same thing they did the first time. This time the image being clearer on the screen. Now you could clearly see a little baby.

"The baby is very healthy. I would expect you start to feel them kick soon."

Fred squeezed my hand again. We were both very excited for this. No matter the challenge of the symptoms. I was happy and ready.

"Well I've printed the photo for you." She says handing my the photo after wiping my stomach off. " In the envelope is the gender.Have a good day you guys." She says and walks out.

"Wow. Our little boy or girl has grown." I said holding out the photo.

"They look like you." He says.

"I don't really see it."

"I do. Come on let's head back home."

When we arrived back at the flat my legs were completely sore.

"I want to go to the Burrow."

"You sure?"

"Yea. I can sit in bed and mope about being pregnant all day. It's a thing in life and it's going to be rough. Plus I know that Molly and my mum would want to see the ultrasound."

"That's true. Damn, what did I do to deserve you."

"Everything. You're perfect." I say kissing him.

He kissed back and then the door opened.

"You're back! How did it go?" George is, I have to say one of the most excited about becoming an uncle.

"It went well. Do you want to see the baby?"

"Of course!"

I pulled out the photo and showed him.

"Wow, they've gotten so big. This is so s'real."

"Very. I mean I am five months pregnant so we should expect the baby to be very tiny."

"That's true. Well, I'm guessing you guys are heading to the Burrow. Mum would want to see this."

"Indeed we are. Then I'm coming back and taking a nap. This child is going to be the death of me."

The three of us laughed lightly and Fred and I left for the Burrow. Surprisingly it didn't take much convincing for my to travel this time.

I stepped out of the fireplace followed my Fred. Nobody was inside, they're most likely outside.

"They're always in the kitchen or outside." Fred says.

"And we never know which one."

We walked outside and everybody looked at us.

"Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed and ran over.

"Hello Mione."

"How are you? I haven't seen you in a bit."

"I'm doing good. This thing is going to kill me though with the not sleeping, dizziness and hurt legs."

"That's how they are. Did you find out the gender?"

"Nope. Well, yes but I'm leaving it to you and Ginny to do a gender reveal."

"Wait? Really!" I hear Ginnys voice beside.

"Merlin Ginny. Try not to give me a heart attack."

"Sorry, sorry."

Soon enough everybody was by us.

"Heres the envelope containing the gender. You can plan it whenever you want between a day or a week. However long you need." I said handing her the envelope.

"Thank you Y/N." They both said hugging me.

"I love your bump by the way it's so cute." Ginny says.

"Thank you." I laugh lightly.

Fred wraps his hands around my waist and lays them on the bump.

"Cant wait for he or she to arrive."

"It's going to be a great deal of responsibility Fred." My dad says.

"I know and I'm ready for it. George already knows I'll be taking off of work. So I have to work extra time before and a little while after she has the baby."

"Good. I know you guys can do this." Arthur chimes in.

"Sorry to interrupt . But do you have a photo of my niece?" Harry asked and we all laughed.

"Yes Harry." I said pulling out the photo.

"Bloody hell. They're getting big." Ron says.

"Well no duh Ronald. The baby is getting older." Molly says.

"You're doing great sweet heart. Just make sure to get a lot of rest." My mum says.

"I have during the day. Sleeping at night isn't really an option anymore."

"Ah, how I don't miss the sleepless nights." She says.

"But you won't be sleeping for a while. With the baby you'll be up for a while everyday and night." Molly says.

We continued talking for a while until I started getting tired and my legs started hurting.

"It's better if you go and get some rest." My dad says.

"I will. Mione and Ginny owl me to let me know when the reveal is that why I can owl Luna."

"Will do." They said in sync.

We said our goodbyes and head back to the flat.

I yawned and got back into bed. It's only six and I'm extremely tired. So, I laid in bed cuddled up next to Fred.

I rolled over on my back next to him and looked at the ceiling.

"Something special about the ceiling?"

"Nope. I just like looking at it."

Suddenly I felt something and gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Freddie,don't worry. It was just the baby kicking it took me by surprise."

"You both are going to be the death of me." He laughed. I lifted my shirt up a little.

"Here like put your hand here." I said grabbing his hand and putting it where I felt the kick.

A few minutes the baby kicked again and this time Fred felt it.

"Wow. They're a little kicker."

"Indeed. My ribs are going to be like a punching bag for their feet for four months now. With them kicking and moving."

"And I'm here to help with the pain every step of the way."

I yawned again and he sat up for a second.

"What are you doing?"


He leaned down and kissed my stomach. "Your dad loves you so much already little one." He says and comes back up.

"Aw I love you so much." I said as tears pool in my eyes.

"I love you too. This is going to be a long four months." He says kissing me.

I roll over to my side and fall asleep on his shoulder.
Okay so this pregnancy is Everything . I know I did time skip a lot. There will be multiple chapters now of the pregnancy that aren't time skipped. It'll be a lot of fluff.

Anyway I hope you guys have a great day! You mean everything to me <3

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