Marcel and the Serum

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if you watched the show you know how this goes down with marcel and everyone around this while i hate that scene where Davina dies i agree with not how it happened but why family comes first but it was sad you could see Elijah didnt want to do it but family first 

Kol comes back 

" Wheres Davina "

" umm "

Vincent in the Cave and the kid ( dont remember his name )

" You coming with me since your now the regent apparently "

" What, why, what for "

" All right just come "

Vincent drags the kid back to the mansion 

" Do the spell "

" What am i looking for "

" anything of Davina "

HE does the spell 

" theres nothing there "

" What "

" Im saying there's nothing either i cant find her or shes dead or something "

Kol pulls his hair back in sadness 

Marcel leans down and then looks at Kol 

" Your family everything they touch dies everything "

walks out and Kol falls down and sits down and Jeremy comes and sits near him 

" Im sorry "

" Dont lie you know what happened "

" Ok i do and its not good, but from what i know it was they didnt want to but that all they had "

" Ok fine but why "

" Because Lucien was going to kill him "

" I see and im guessing we all wouldve died "

" Yep your right in that im not saying to be angry "

" Im still angry but a bit more understanding "

" As you should be "

Klaus Elijah Freya and HAyley are there 

" Well this is going to a problem im going to assume MArcel will know by now "

" Well we better explain as best we can but it probably wont work "

" Well this will be bad "

Elijah looks at HAYley 

" Are you ok "

" Im fine now "

they all speed back 

Elijah and Klaus go to the pub while Freya goes back to the mansion while hayley back  ( i mightve forgotten to mention Jackson is dead my bad )

Freya gets back 

" Vincent "

" No Freya your just as bad the rest of your family "

Vincent walks out as Freya stand in sadness 

Elijah and Klaus speed to the pub

Marcel throw a glass 

" You, you promised "

" Marcel listen he had no other choice "

MArcel do you honestly think i wanted her to die or be killed if there was another choice we had found i would have found it "

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