Death of Davina

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all right again sorry i missed on Saturday i was watching fantastic beasts 1 and 2 so i was enjoying it so sorry i mean its nothing compared to a week but its something sorry ill try to get back to my normal either every day or every other day so yeah back to that 

Well now we kill Davina as you know what happens you folk who have watched the show those who haven't I'm deeply sorry but... wait nei im not it obvious its been out for at least since 2013 so you know and its been over for at least since 2018 so you know go figure

While Davina is trying to figure out how to save Kol from the ancestors curse on Kol we have to go back to the mansion

" How are things coming Freya "

in a frantic thought 

" Im coming up with everything "

I will like to point out in case i didnt write it, Elijah did stab Rebekah becasue of the curse / hex 

" Well work harder he now has the abiltiy to kill us "

" Klaus you dont think i dont know that im trying to figure it out just let me concentrate "

" Ok " Klaus calms " Im sorry im just... "

Freya cuts him off 

" I know Klaus "

" I think you should take a trip or something or take your mind off it "

" What "

" Im serious "

" Fine "

" Take hayley "

" She wont "

" She will trust me "

" Ok fine "

they watch as Hayley and Klasu leave 

" Are you sure "

" Yes i am sure "

They drive off as Elijah and Freya look 

" Theyll be fine "

" Thats what im worried about "

" Ok ive known Niklaus hell be fine Freya dont worry now we need to find a way to take down Lucien "

As Davina is Studing trying to find a way the dagger is removing itself from Kols body and comes out and Kol awakens and Davina turns around 

Kol kills Davina without realizing before its too late 

" Davina no... no dont be dead "

kol starts crying as he hold her dead body as he lay on the ground and Marcel comes 

" Davina, D "

And sees Kol laying there 

" What happened "

" I tried to dagger myself but the ansestors wanted her dead so they made sure she did "

"  Come on "

" What "

" This is New Orleans no one really dies not really "

 Kol and Marcel goes to the mansion and Freya greets 

" what happened "

" I killed Davina "

" Ok i think i can find a way to keep her safe "

She puts down a ring and chats while Davina is being chased in the after life she gets sucked out 

" what happened where am i "

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