the Mother of the jungle

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   (this one of my more "specific" stories so apologies in advance if it's not your thing my next one will be more "vanilla")     

Somewhere in parts unknown

Well here you are in a jungle among the plants and animals you're exploring uncharted territory "maybe you'll find a new plant or ani-" your thoughts are interrupted as you tumble down a hill, finally coming to a stop at its bottom sitting up and looking around you see no immediate danger you start to stand up "OW!" you cry feeling a sting of pain from your ankle, rolling up your pant leg seeing the inflamed joint wincing at the site, looking a around for a place to lay and a figure things out you spy a large tree a trunk at least a few feet wide and begin making your way to it crawling on your hands and knees ankle raised so as not to make it worse, you finally make it starting to sit "OW!" your cry for a second time yanking your hand from a large root you where using for stability looking at your palm you see a red spot "something bit me" you state the obvious to yourself, you finally sit down taking a breath to slow your beating heart you examine yourself finding no other major injuries "well, nothing else is wrong but with this ankle I can't walk and I'm to far to crawl" you think to yourself worried.


Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of something landing in a tree Something big and heavy, you raised your gaze to the jungle canopy darting your eyes back and forth looking for it's origin but your visual search is interrupted by you begin to sweat skin going cold,your arms go weak, your head begins to throb with pain in time with your heart beat, you start to feel light headed
"bite... venom..." is all you could get out before your entire body goes limp.


You had completely forgotten the thing in the trees your heart rate quickens as you look in the sounds direction.

"What?" Is all you can think as the tigress stairs at you with emerald green eyes before standing straight and closing the distance in one long stride, she was tall, 6' at least even taller now that she stands just in front of you still your (eye ...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"What?" Is all you can think as the tigress stairs at you with emerald green eyes before standing straight and closing the distance in one long stride, she was tall, 6' at least even taller now that she stands just in front of you still your (eye color) eyes locked with her bright green ones.

She lowers herself in a a squat her eyes level with yours, she had a dominant look on her face which you could see clearer as she leaned closer and notice her nose twitching she was smelling you, you lower your head to tired to look up anymore as your body temperature rises sweat covering your forehead and running down your face as your eyes begin to water not from fear but pain, on top of the fever your head starts to ache, your heart beats faster feeling like your chest is about to burst and all you can do is grown as your limbs don't move.

You feel a grip on your chin lifting up bringing face to face with the tigress again the same serious look on her face, she raises her other hand you clench your eyes in fear expecting a claw to the neck instead you feel something soft on your forehead and open your eyes to see the back of the tigresses hand on your forehead "i-i-is she checking my...  temperature?" with her hand on your head she cast a shadow on your eyes you look down and see she's holding your chin with only her thumb and index finger you try pull your head out her grip but she tightened her grip claws poking your skin her lips rase slightly showing the tips of her canine teeth with growl.

You relax and let her continue so as not to make her angry but mostly because your to tired to continue, she retracts her hands you expect her to leave you for dead only to feel under something you arms lift you up opening an eye with the little strength you have left you see the tigress holding you under your arms like a child "with her size I probably look like one to her" you think, she pulls you close to her chest you would have been aroused but your sickness blocked any arousal, you close your eyes to rest but fall asleep...


Opening your eyes weakly groaning the pain of your headache synching with your heart you try to sit up which you instantly regret grunting as a wave of pain floods your body grinding your teeth to repress a yell and lay your head back down closing your eyes again till the pain stops.

You hear heavy steps walking up and see the tigress holding a bowl she sits down legs crossed setting the bowl down she lifts you into her lap head resting in her hand she it up again and puts it to your lips pouring it into your mouth and you swallow the sweat tasting liquid, the numbness, nausea and headache fade a little strength returning you sit up and look around to see your in a hut of some  sort then return your attention to the tigress staring in silence.

The silence is broken by a low growl from your stomach and place your on belly a blush on your face as you looked at the tigress her face changes to one of empathy you feel her hand grip the back of your head her other hand hooking her index finger on her bra and with tug her breast bounce out your slight blush growing to cover  your whole face the tigress discards her bra and cuping her breast and pulls you close holding your mouth shut out of embarrassment her brow furrows give a her the same look she had when you first laid eyes on her you feel her squeeze the back of your head not enough to cause pain but enough to be uncomfortable her claws poking your skin and you open your mouth out of surprise the tigress puting her nipple on your tongue squeezing her breast squirting her milk on your tongue she pulls your closer forcing you to latch on her nipple she squeezes her breast again more milk squirting onto your mouth you swallow the milk it's smooth and sweet without much choice you start feeding.

After about 20 minutes you feel full and try to pull away she lets you opening your mouth with a *pop* you look up at her a living smile across her face for a moment before changing to one of surprise as she looks down between her bust you follow her gaze to see your erection your face changes from looking like a tomato to a chili pepper you feel her arm under your legs as she picks you up bridal style.

You look ahead to see a bed before you can react she tosses you on it after a bounce you lift your head to see her kneeling between your legs as is your erection between her breast before you can voice your objection she grabs her breast and squeezes them together the pressure and feeling of her fur causing your head to go blank she then starts moving her breast up and down your mind now filled with sparks of pleasure her fur feeling like a soft cloth after a dozen pumps you feel a pressure start to build a drop of precum forming on your cockhead the tigress eyeing it her lips curling into a naughty grin you feel her rough and wet tongue rub across the top of your glands just as your about to pop she pulls her breast away you look at her with a frustrated face seeing lick her chops as she stands and crawls forward straddling your waist lining your sex with hers you expect her to slam down on yours but she surprises you by easing down inch by inch your glands feeling every crease and fold as your hips finally meet she sits still for a minute your gaze meeting hers she leans forward breast hanging above your own chest her bright green eyes in line with your (e/c) ones you get lost in her eyes for a moment before she starts bouncing her waist on yours you grit your teeth from the sudden rush of pleasure and slight pain of holding back your orgasm you place your hands on her hips to steady yourself but she only speeds up bringing your closer to climax you feel the pressure building and with one final *slap!* the dam burst your seed through your cock out your opening and in to her pussy some coating her cervix as your orgasm subsides you open your eyes and see the tigress her own eyes closed for a moment opening pupils dilated her mind still full of hormones she pulls her waist off your laying beside you thighs together you feel her large padded hand on your cheek turning your head to hers lips meeting yours.

(Tried a different style of writing this time what do you think?)

Companionship: Various Furry Females X Male reader OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat