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Fear crept in my chest as I turned my phone on, but I refused to look at the pleas from Alex and Kelsey worried I'd back out of my plan. I even had messages from Jack, Rian and Zack.

I swiped them off my screen finding the unknown number. "You want to meet me? Bring it on," I messaged him.

"Finally, you've come to your senses." He messaged back. "Where are you?

"Meet me at this address," I stated sending him a location. The ball was in my court this time and I was going to play some very dirty ball.

I stood at the abandoned warehouses, the dumbest, most cliché place I could have ever thought to meet him at, with keys clenched in my fist, mace armed in my other hand. My hands firmly in the coat pocket. I saw his frame step into my peripheral vision. Like some old western where we stood off waiting to see who was going to shoot first.

"That's far enough Matt," I called to him as he tried to get closer.

"I see you came alone. Where's the new loser?"

"He's none of your concern."

"And no back up bitch?" he clicked his tongue against his teeth.

"I said that was close enough," I shouted watching the moisture escape my mouth in a cloud of smoke.

"Now, baby, we can't get back together if I don't get closer."

"There is no getting back together Matt, we are done I told you that once already. I came here to tell you to leave me alone, leave me be or I will make you wish you hadn't met me."

"Are you threatening me whore?" Before my body could respond he was on me tackling me to the ground. I shoved a knee into his chest praying to get him off of me.

"You can't threaten me if you're scrawny ass can't back it up." He tried to hold my hands to my sides, my adrenaline pumping I put all my weight into my legs hoisting him up enough for him to let go of my arms. I threw my hand at his face hitting him with the sharp ends of my keys.

"You bitch!" He growled reaching for me. I scrambled to my feet spraying the mace into the open wounds I had created. I heard him scream in agony as I ran as fast as I could away from him. I skittered into an empty building trying to quieten my breathing. I found an iron rod sitting on the ground. I had been stupid to come to somewhere abandon, with no witnesses. I closed my eyes whispering to whoever was watching over to protect me. To keep me alive. I wanted to see Alex again. I wanted to hug Kelsey. Hell I even wanted to see a drunk Jack, and Rian, and precious Zack who never said anything out of the way.

I clutched the bar as I heard his angry voice get closer.

"Where are you, you skank?" I timed it just right that I jumped out slamming the bar against his back.

"Its not nice to call girls names," I screamed taking off running. I had to wear him down. I found another empty building dragging out my phone. I had to call the cops now. No service.

"Shit," I ran through the building to the opened door on the other end of the building. A form stood in front of me blocking my exit. I fell to the ground the iron rod scattering out of my reach as Matt was on top of me. I couldn't let this happen again. Why was I so stupid? Why didn't I just tell Alex? Alex, his beautiful smile came into my mind as I found my reason for fighting. I had to make sure Kelsey and Jack got together and got married and had little psycho babies. My hands landed on a brick, I swung hitting him on the side of the head. What the hell was wrong with him? Was he actually the incredible Hulk and I never knew? I slithered from under him as he fell to my side. Flashlights filled the warehouse grounds.

I teetered forward running towards the cops I knew would be patrolling the area.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" one asked when he saw my tattered jeans, the blood dripping from my face.

"I was attacked," I explained. "I knocked him out with a brick, but he tried to hurt me really bad," I explained.

"Okay we will take care of it, Jake stay with her," I tried to catch my breath as I fell in the arms of the taller officer. The nightmare had to finally end.

"Are you hurt?" officer Jake questioned.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. I want to go home," I told them.

I sat in the back of the ambulance staring at my phone. I pulled up my message boxes and began a group chat for Kelsey and Jack.

"I need your help,"

"Need our help? You've had us scared shitless for days," Kelsey replied. I could see Jack typing to answer.

"You need to message Alex, not me," Jack stated plainly.

"Its to surprise Alex you twit," I shot back.

"Oh," was all he responded.

"What can we do?" Kelsey responded.

"Where are you guys at right now? Like what town?"

"We are leaving for Australia tomorrow," Jack answered.

"Get an extra ticket, I'll be there," I replied staring out the window watching Matt get pushed into the back of a cop car.

A Daydream Away (All Time Low/Alex Gaskarth fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora