When they finished up with the lesson Ronald rode his horse to the spot where he might find Bethany. She wasn't there.

Prince Ronald sat down hard on the cold stone bench. The view of the sea was breathtaking, but not without Bethany by his side.

He gave a sigh of surrender.

He watched the waves lap the shore. He remembered the times before this bench came along, when they used to sit right on the sand. Then the prince asked his father to have a bench made there. He didn't tell him why, and his father surprisingly gave him his wish.

They came so often, it only seemed reasonable.

The prince shivered. It was cold outside, maybe that's why she wasn't out here.

Just when he was about to get up and leave he heard a soft crunch of frozen branches beneath someone's shoes, approaching him. On alert, he whirled around. He was pleasantly surprised to find Bethany coming.

She was dressed in the most fitting dress for her hair color. It was an emerald green dress. Simple yet so exquisite on her. Her eyes and hair stood out in contrast to the dress.

"Bethany, happy birthday!" He jumped up and hugged her. "I know we haven't seen each other as often but I promise that will change." He smiled wide.

A smile peaked out, making her rosy cheeks stand out. "It's okay, I understand you're busy. After all you're going to be a king soon enough!" She reminded him.

"Well I won't be so busy, not anymore. I'm finishing studying tomorrow!" He exclaimed. "I'll have more time for myself. Time to spend with you."

"Really?" Hope shone in her eyes. He missed her cheerfulness. Missed having his best friend make jokes that only the two of them understood.

"Yes, really, truly." He was gleeful at the thought of spending more time with her.

He missed looking over the dinner table to where she stood in her uniform waiting upon the lady's that came to stay at the palace. Catching a knowing look. And then they would share a secret smile when no one was looking.

"I got you a present." He smiled. Holding the box out to her. "Open it!" He couldn't wait. She didn't have one of her own, and he thought what better gift to give then what she loves so dearly?

"Oh my goodness." She took out the leather bound book that he had given to her. "For me?" Tears sparkled in her eyes. It was her favorite book, the first book she ever read. It was back before she could read, and the first time they met, they read this book together.

It became her most beloved book. She had reread it so many times, it practically belonged to her, but he knew the book keeper would notice. So instead he had it copied. "It's all yours to keep." He beamed with joy.

"Thank you so much Ron!" Upon hearing his nickname being used, Ronald got a slight butterfly feeling. He loved when she called him that. "Are you sure no one will notice it's gone from the library?"

"No, because it's not that book. I had an exact copy made."

"I can't believe it, it looks just like it!" She examined the book with excitement shining on her face.

Astonished, she touched it lightly, as if scared to touch it for fear of getting in trouble. But it wasn't the royal family's. It was a copy. Her copy.

Just before they could speak another word, rain began pouring from the heavens with vengeance. Prince Ronald took the book and put it inside the box before it would be ruined.

"Come on, we got to get inside!" He screamed above the rain that had quickly become louder than the both of them.

Pitter patter. The rain fell against the stony bench.

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