the hunt

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Danielle got out of bed early, she barley slept at all after what happened. She went downstairs to eat and then got a wash. She then got changed and put her makeup.
"Danielle, I'm going" said max walking into her room
"Oh, ok, well just text me if you wanna talk about it" replied danielle
"Ok, nice room" he said
"Thanks, at first I thought it was too girly but now I just love it"
"Yeah, anyway cya"
Max left and Kristina walked in.
"So, how you feeling" she asked
"Not good, although she was a bit of a bitch sometimes she did everything for me, and without her I'd still be living as daniel" said danielle
"Yeah, even worse were not going to be able to pay for this house amymore"
"Yeah, how are we going to live, I've got no where to go" asked danielle
"Well we have to get money somehow, we will be able to pay off the Bill's for a month but after that we need to move" explained Kristina
"Right, well all her presents are downstairs, I guess we could sell them and put that towards it, we have to think of the other two aswell"
Kristina went downstairs and 10 minutes later danielle followed her.
She was opening her presents to see how much they could get from it.
In the end it all came up to around 500 dollars.
"We will go into town and try and sell it ok, we could also try get a job whilst we're there" said danielle
Kristina put everything into bags and an hour later, the two set out"

"Ok we have the money, we will get something to eat and then look for jobs" said Kristina.
As they were leaving the last shop a man stopped danielle.
"Hi, could I speak to you just by yourself for a moment" he said
"Ok I guess, Kristina can you wait outside please" asked danielle
"Ok" she replied walking out
"Hi, I heard you were looking for a job, is this correct"
"Great, well I work for the marketing team here and we are looking for models to model things for companies across the city"
"Errr, what things would I be modeling"
"Just things like clothes and accessories, are you interested"
"Great, if you could make your way to this adress tomorrow and say paul sent you, that would be great" he explained
"Ok, great thanks"
He left and danielle made her way to Kristina.
"So, looks like I've got myself a job" she said handing Kristina the paper he gave her.
"Great, oh modeling, I think you would be great"
"Awww thanks" she said.

After they ate Kristina went to the job centre and handed in he slip to notify her if anything comes up and went home.

"So, you gonna try it out then" asked Kristina
"Yeah sure, cant be that bad"
"Ok, well I'll go with you tomorrow" said Kristina
"Sure" replied danielle excited. It would be her first job she has ever had and never expected it to be a model.
Kristina just warmed up leftovers from the previous night and ate. Millie was arriving back the next night and she was also distraught about what happened.
Danielle had a wash and hot into her new pyjama set to sleep.
Her photoshoot was in the morning so didn't want to miss it.

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