Late Night Cuddles

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A/N: I'm very sorry if this is too short, my lunch period is ending soon and I really wanted to write for you. 
(P.S Idk if you can skate in the rain kdhuq)
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Langa's POV
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Wrapping my crimson red hoodie around my waist, I lean forward onto my board and start skating down hill. The hill I was skating on wasn't too steep, and Reki said it was okay for me to take this path. Speaking of Reki, I haven't seen him all day. Actually that's where I'm going now, at 5:56pm, in the cold, on a Thursday night. 

The ride there was interesting to say the least. Passing the park, there was a little girl who had fallen down on her roller skates. After helping her, there was someone from my shcool, they stopped me and asked where I was going. The conversation I had with Them was kinda boring but it helpped me relax a little bit. Then I was on my way again, I was proud of myself for remembering Reki's Address this time, except for the fact I got lost at a corner. 

Almost missing the redhead's front door, I stopped skating and got off my skateboard. What if he just doesn't wanna talk. Quickly slapping myself, I shook the thought out of my head. He's always wanted to see me before, why would he not now? Feeling my heart get more and more nervous even though I was trying to calm myself down, I knock on the door as calmly as I always did. Usually Reki would greet me at the door with a hug, but this time one in three of his younger siblings stood. "LANGAAA!!" They screamed before hugging me tightly. I hug them back with one hand gently and chuckled. "I missed you Langa!" I smile at the younger child and rub their head a little before letting go of them. "Is Reki home?" I ask softly. "N-No, I think he went to the store a little bit ago," they said a little unsure of themselves. Sighing a little I rub the small child's head and told them to go inside. 

Making my way to our favourite skating store, DOPE SKETCH, I heard a small scream coming from beside it. "Reki..." I smiled softly before skating over to my favourite redhead who had just learnt a new flip. "Reki!" I shouted. His cute face came into my vision as he turned around, a cute face that was soon invaded with steaming red blush. "L-Langa!" I hear him stutter. I skated across the street in confusion and stopped in front of him. A smirk crept onto my face as I got closer to the younger male. "You've been hiding from me, Reki." I say playfully. "N-No I just, I-I," Reki looked at the ground with his board in his hands, "I just wanted to show you the new trick I was learning all day..." I smile so brightly, you wouldn't think it was possible for my face to strech that wide. "Don't look at me like that, Langa!!" "My baby Reki~" 
We continue to tease each other a little more as we skated back to my house. 
I don't care what anyone says anymore, I'm just glad that I can spend the rest of my life with my Reki. 

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A/N: I hope this wasn't too short, Thank you for voting and reading this book, it makes me feel so loved aaaahhhhhhh. I'll see you in a few days. 

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