Out of Site

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There sitting in one big semi circle booth Shelby and Toni sitting together on the end Fatin and Leah on the other. Rachel then Dot in between her and Nora then Marty by Toni. They all order there separate orders trying not to pay to much considering the losing team has to pay. "Hey Toni that girl seems to have the hots for you." Dot says from the middle of the table. "Yea she can't take her eyes off me." Toni says laughing and impressed with herself.

They get there food and finish it. The waitress comes back smiling at Toni who smiles back and earns whoops from the group.

"So are you going to get her number or...?" Fatin says now interested in what the group was talking about.

"Watch me work." Toni says looking at the waitress walking back up.

Shelby is clearly uncomfortable she's not use to girls flirting or this weird feeling in her stomach.

"So Will that be all for you today." The waitress asks looking mostly at Toni. "Well that depends-"

Toni stops talking from a hand on her high thigh. She's all of a sudden very red and forgets what she was saying. The waitress looks at her confused.

Shelby doesn't exactly know why she's doing this. But she inches upwards slowly. Everyone at the table is waiting for Toni to make her move.

"Umm I'll just go get the check." She says and walks away. Toni looks back at the girls and then at Shelby. "What happen there Toni?" Marty says. "You never lose your nerve." Toni gulps and says "Yea I didn't just decided I didn't want it anymore."

Shelby holds onto her leg until they leave. They share glances but neither seem eager to stop. "Anyone need rides?" Shelby says jingling her keys. Rachel, Nora, Martha, Dot, and Fatin. Go in Rachel's car. "I need to go back to the school to get the car Toni and Rachel wanted to help me with some home work." Martha says hopping in the back of Rachel's car. They all seem close now like they've known each other for years. "Okay be careful be home by 12 or I'll send a search party." Toni says joking but meaning it.

Shelby gets in her car with Leah. Leah lives closer to her than Rachel so it seemed good to go with her. "Okay Leah I'll drop you off." Shelby says putting on the gps. They watch Leah go inside and then start driving again. "What time is it?" Shelby asks Toni focusing on the road. "10:17." Toni says. "I have an hour." Shelby says looking over at her. Toni looks back and smilies.
They end up going to a make out point. It was nice and quiet and the closest place Shelby could think of. "I wonder how you know how to get here." Toni jokes. Shelby laughs let's out of the car to lay on the grass.

It's itchy but Toni lays down next to her anyway. "I thought it would be different." Shelby says still looking up. Toni looks over. She looks really pretty. "What are you talking about?" Shelby faces her "like meeting you I thought it would be the whole dramatic meeting at the air port."

"Well I mean it was dramatic you almost jumped over the desk." Toni says smirking. "Shut up." Shelby says. It's cold Shelby moves closer to Toni and hugs her arm. "It really is so nice to have you here though."

Shelby tried her best to say that without getting that strange feeling in her stomach. She tries not to remember that Becca made her feel that way. She tries not to remember Becca.

They stare at the stars and Toni points out whatever constellations she can remember. They laugh about things they made inside jokes and finally get back inside the car when the cold breeze because to much for both of them.

"Hey I wanted to know if you could come to a party on Wednesday?" Shelby says when she turns the heater on. "Oh." Toni says surprised.

Toni hasn't gone to a party in a while. She hasn't gone seen the last time she saw Regan. She tries not to think about it. Thinks she can handle herself. She'll make sure she does.

"What do you think?" Shelby asks again bring her out of her thoughts. "Yea for sure let's go." Toni says grabbing her hand. "Okay." There staring at each other now. Toni can she the little grayish specks in Shelby's eyes. She looks down at her lips and catches Shelby looking down at hers. She notices there both leaning in but doesn't stop it.

"Shelby" Toni says making sure she knows what's happening. Her heart was beating so loud. Shelby looked so beautiful right now with the light of the car. She was about to kiss her when Shelby's phone rings there faces were inches away.

She jumps a little. Quickly looks away to check who's calling. "Who is it?" Toni says confused.

"My dad." Shelby says staring at the phone. She seems nervously looking at the clock. "I didn't notice that it's past 11." Shelby says shaking her head. "I forgot about it to." Toni says. Shelby let's the phone ring. When it's done she puts the car in drive and drives Toni quickly to her house.

"I'm sorry Toni I have to get home now." She says as Toni gets out the car. "Okay yea no problem. Text me." Toni's says shutting the door looking through the window.

"Pray that I can." She says and drives off. Toni watches her car leave her heart still beating fast. She makes a left and Toni goes inside. Shelby is out of site.

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