Chapter 2: Face to Face

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    Toni and Martha arrive at there new school. It'a bigger than Toni thought she was use to smaller schools but this one was twice as big as her and Martha's last one. "You ready for this Marty?" "No mom didn't let me have coffee today. I'm gonna die." Toni laughs at how over dramatic Martha's being. "Wait do we have classes together?" They look over there schedules and notice they only have 5th period together. "No I have to go basically the whole day without you." Toni whines. "At least we have 5th period." Martha says "Until then" Martha says dramatically and Toni just noticed there already in the school and people are heading to class. "Great we're am I suppose to go." Toni tried to find her way around. The school is still way to crowded for being big.
".... sports applications for the winter season will accepted for two more weeks. All students wanting to participate must turn applications in by then. And last but not least the we will be having tater tots and pizza for lunch today. Have a great day sharks!"

Shelby was finished with the announcements for the day. "Alright your free to go Mrs.Goodkind" Mrs. Aubrey said. Shelby walked to class. She liked not having to push through the crowd when everyone was rushing to class. It was much more calming walking alone in the morning. She was surprised to seem a girl out of class. She was walking up to her when she suddenly walked into a classroom. Shelby confused continued on her way to her own class. She wondered who that girl was.
Toni practically ran into her class being late was normal for her but she wanted to make a good impression. She didn't really know why she in her last school she was just the basket ball player that sat in the back and wrote her phone number on small pieces of paper and handed them out to girls.

Class was normal it was math which she was surprisingly good at. Classes went on and on and felt like forever until finally the lunch bell rang she went out in search for Marty.

Toni put her phone away when she spot Marty in line for lunch. Toni's stomach hurts thinking about that pizza. School lunches have always grossed her out. "Hey Marty getting some slop I see." Martha fails to suppress her laugh. " I'm sure it's not that bad."

Toni gets distracted looking at a girl she thinks she recognizes. She walks away from Marty who is in the middle of talking about how she hopes the pizza doesn't have pepperoni to follow the girl. She has long blonde hair that is in a high ponytail and is holding some tall guys hand. Her heart almost stops when she knows why she recognizes her. It's Shelby. The Shelby she has been internet friends with for 4 years now. The Shelby who she thought lived in El Paso and instead lives in Brownsville. The Shelby she has had a huge crush on.
Shelbys phone is being blow up by somebody right now. She doesn't have time to check it though. She'll check it after school. Andrew was in this class with her and was talking about something Shelby wasn't really paying attention it was probably about signing up for basketball. "What do you think Shelbs?" "Huh?" Shelby didn't realize he was asking her a question. "Party? Wednesday? At Evan's house?" Andrew stared at her expectantly. "Oh yes. Yea. Let's go." She answers. Shelby then immediately text dot,Fatin, and Leah to see if they would be going.

(Hey guys. Are you going to the party Wednesday?)

(What party haven't I gone to?)

(This was mostly a Leah and dot question.)

(Yes I will be going.)

(You better.)

(What time is it? Gotta see if Mateo can take care of my dad.)

(Andrew said 7:30. I can pick you up?)

(Yea I'm coming.)

(Fuck yes bitches!)
Toni walks into sixth period totally ready for her first basketball practice to start. She's gonna have to get used to the blue and black instead of orange and black. She likes the sharks better than her last mascot though. An unofficial name for the shark is Charlie someone named it that and it kinda just stuck. She's snapped out of her train of thought when Shelby walks into her class. Shelby and her make eye contact for the first time face to face.

Thank you for reading!

Pen Pals ||Shelby and Toni||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat