The 5 Stages Of Greif : Acceptence

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As the sun fell beneath the horizon, the destructive, violent beast clutched her cold scarf and cried in the pale moonlight.
Oh because he was the 'crazy psychopath' and the 'vicious monster' or even worse, 'The Blade'. He hated that name. He was always known as 'The Blade'. Never the friend. He was never the hero. Never loved. Always hated. And then there was her. She saw him as a person. She saw him as a hero. He was her savior. That's what she always said.
Even though he had no one that cared about him anymore, she was always there for him. During the cold dark nights, on long painful adventures, she was there for him. Every time he was about to drown or fall in lava, she was there for him. They were there for each other.
She was his hero.
He was her savior.
I was her savior.
I wasn't fast enough. But I have to accept that.
I love you Y/n. You will always be in my heart.

Signed : technoblade

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