{Chapter 2}

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{Warning: This chapter contains (poorly written) blood, (minor) gore, and abuse. Please, proceed with caution.}

You would've backed up if you could, but there was nowhere to go. Nowhere to run to. No safe space. Katsuki seemed to light up slightly, which only worried you more. "Really? Already?" Izuku asked, excited. Shoto nodded. "It's better to teach our pets early on, right?" He responded, his gaze shifting over to you again.

You squirmed, trying to find some way out of your restraints. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But we can't break our new toy too quickly! Then it's no fun." Izuku said, pouting slightly at the end. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "It's not all about training them. The most fun part is torturing them and making them terrified of you." He butt in, looking you dead in the eyes. 

Shoto shook his head. "You're so naive, Katsuki. It's not all about breaking them." He responded, seeming almost disappointed. Katsuki huffed. He seemed like he was the lowest on their hierarchy. Though, you couldn't tell whether Shoto or Izuku was the boss. Of their trio, at least. You had no idea how big of an organization they could be in. After all, Izuku had referred to some "boss" before. 

The three bickered for a bit, arguing about the best way to do things. You struggled against your restraints, hoping to at least get them loose. You figured they weren't focusing on you, too busy with their conversation. Shoto grabbed your wrist. "Not so fast, sweetheart. You'll only hurt yourself if you struggle." He said, his gaze turning to you. 

At the mention of you trying to get out of your restraints, Izuku and Katsuki looked at you. A smirk was present on Katsuki's face, as if he'd been waiting for you to slip up. "Trying to escape, huh?" He asked, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly like he was trying not to smile. Izuku seemed sad. "Why would you wanna do that? Now we have to hurt you.." His face showed sympathy, as if that was the opposite of what he wanted.

Shoto glanced at Izuku. "Don't toy with them. We both know you'd be more than happy to hurt them." He responded. Izuku whined, pulling a knife from his pocket and toying with it. "Well, yeah... but still!" He shot back. Katsuki rolled his eyes, seeming annoyed. He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you as close as he could. "Listen here. We're not gonna hurt you unless we have to. But, since you misbehaved.." He trailed off. His tone was harsh. You assumed it always was.

"We get to hurt you all we want." Izuku finished Katsuki's sentence for him, his demeanor changing completely. His innocent and excited persona had completely disappeared. Shoto chuckled. "Just don't hurt them too badly. I have to go read over some documents the boss left us. I'll be back soon." He said, turning around to leave.

Katsuki seemed glad that Shoto was leaving. "Fine, fine. Just make sure you hurry. I don't know how long Kacchan can control himself." Izuku called, watching as Shoto disappeared into the shadows. He looked up at Katsuki, raising an eyebrow. Katsuki nodded in response. You looked between the two of them, panic settling in. 

Izuku walked off into the shadows, returning a few seconds later. He was pulling a metal cart behind him. Various knives lined the top of it. Underneath were other torture devices. Hammers, matches, pliers, and the like. All of the items were clean, but it was obvious that they weren't new.

Katsuki got a sick shine in his eyes when he looked at the cart, taking a quick glance at you. Almost like he was figuring out what to do first. As Katsuki was about to reach for something, Izuku got in the way. "You know how these things go. I get the first cut." He said in a demanding tone. Katsuki glared at him, growling. But, surprisingly, he backed down. 

Izuku took the knife from his pocket again, tracing the edge of it with his finger. He walked closer to you, watching you struggle. "W-Wait, please. Don't hurt me. I-I'll behave.." You whimpered, looking up at Izuku. His harsh gaze softened. He cupped your cheek. "I know you didn't mean it. It's alright." He smiled softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.

A harsh pain near your collarbone made you cry out. Izuku's expression was back to how it'd been before. Apathetic. "That's what you thought I'd say, isn't it? Sorry, doll. I don't do sympathy anymore." He dug his knife into your skin a little more, carving something. You couldn't see what. Blood soaked your clothes, drenching the fabric. The deep red tainted the cloth, staining it easily. 

Izuku smiled softly when he was done, wiping the fresh cuts with a disinfecting wipe. The sting was so bad it almost made you scream. "There. All done." He said, cleaning off his knife and putting it back in his pocket. His gaze went to Katsuki. "They're all yours to punish now, Kacchan. You know the rules." Izuku took a few steps back, leaning against the cart. You figured he was basically just playing supervisor now. 

Katsuki grabbed a knife from the cart, twirling it in his hand to get a feel for it. Well, it'd have to do. He got closer to you, studying your body. Like he was choosing which part to cut first. He traced the knife along the skin of your arm. By instinct, you tried to flinch away. The knife was scalding. How Katsuki had managed to do this was a question in and of itself. Why was a better one, but it was easily answered.

Katsuki traced the hot knife along your skin, almost like he was teasing you. He sank the knife into your skin. You sharply inhaled, but bit your tongue. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Katsuki grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His hand was just as hot as the knife, if not hotter. So it had to have something to do with his quirk. Or, you assumed that was what it was. 

"Kacchan, don't burn them too much," Izuku noted, though he didn't even seem to be paying attention. Katsuki growled and let go of you. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that his hands were shaking. Not twitching, like you'd seen Izuku's hands do. Shaking. Like he was scared. You looked up into his eyes. Behind all that anger, you could see regret. Did he not want to do this?

Katsuki's breathing was a little heavy. The door clicked softly, meaning it'd opened. Shoto stepped out of the darkness, looking between Katsuki and Izuku. The smaller boy nodded. Shoto walked up to Katsuki, gently putting his hand on the ash-blonde's shoulder. "We can get back to this in just a minute. You know what time it is." He said, looking down at Katsuki. 

For a second, it seemed like Katsuki was scared. You weren't sure, since whatever look it had been quickly faded. Katsuki pulled away from Shoto. "Don't worry, Kacchan. They'll be fine alone for a few minutes. This is important." Izuku smiled softly. That only made him more terrifying. Katsuki refused to move for a second, before Izuku pulled something out of his pocket. A silver necklace. 

Katsuki tensed. "... fine. Let's get this over with." He spat, clearly not happy. A ghost of a sadistic smile was visible on Shoto's face. He put his hand back on Katsuki's shoulder, gripping it slightly. "There we go. That's a good boy~" Shoto purred, starting to walk Katsuki out of the room. The ash-blonde seemed disgusted with something, but you couldn't tell if it was the situation or himself. You wanted to know what was going on.

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