"And I just can't imagine how he could be so okay now that I'm gone."

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You were in the ice cold room of requirement for a good 20 minutes just laying there devastated and exhausted. Your tears didn't stop flowing even though you were sure you had cried enough to fill up the prefects gigantic bath, which you loved to sneak into and relax whenever you could. You didn't even notice that 3 mischievous boys had come into the room. Remus saw you crying and his heart broke. The young werewolf immediately rushed over to your crying form and wrapped his comforting arms around you. That was the moment when you realised that you wasn't alone anymore. You breathed in his chocolate scent and nuzzled into his warm chest. His hug was like a warm blanket and it comforted you immensely.
"What happened Y/n?"
Sirius was the first to ask you. As you began to try to tell your best friends exactly what happened you broke down again.
Remus pulled you even more closer into his blanket like chest and stroked your hair trying to soothe you.
"Take your time sweetheart." Remus whispered.
You eventually broke away from the warmth of Remus and looked up at the boys. Each of them all had a look of worry on their attractive faces. You began to tell them what happened and as you were telling Sirius, Remus and James flashbacks of Regulus came flooding back to you, like waves.
" I know we weren't perfect."
You and Regulus were hiding behind a lengthy red satin curtain trying to avoid a drunk Professor Slug-horn who wanted to tell the whole party how proud he was of both of your work in potions.
"Let's sneak out of here." Regulus spoke holding out his small soft hand to you. You placed your hand in his without a second thought.
"Where are we going Reggie?" You asked him excitement clear in your soft voice.
"Somewhere where we can be alone my love ." Regulus whispered.
You both ended up outside a little way from the party enough to only hear the music. Yours and Regulus' hands were still interlaced and he pulled you into his chest placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
" Dance with me Y/n." He asked you his beautiful green eyes giving you a loving gaze.
You and Regulus at first started off slow dancing but then you both began to jump around and dance like no one was watching.
" But I've never felt this way for no one."
You whispered tears still falling down your face. James walked more closer to you a worried and confused expression on his face. Remus looked at you intrigued to know exactly what and who you were talking about. Although he had a pretty good guess as to who it would be , you and Regulus had been dating for the past 4 years and everyone knew how in love you were with the Slytherin boy.
" My brother?" Sirius asked you.
It was the last day of the Easter holidays. Regulus was waiting for you at a small park which was a short walk from your house. The rain began to drizzle and he pulled his brown coat tightly around him to keep himself warm. You arrived at the park and saw your lover boy standing in the April showers. You snuck up behind Regulus jumping on his back and giving him the biggest hug you've ever gave anybody before.
" Hello my little prince I've missed you so much." You spoke fondly to Regulus.
Regulus almost screamed out of shock but when he heard your voice he turned around and faced you. The most adorable blush spread across his defined cheeks after hearing you call him your "little prince." He smiled at you lovingly and then said.
" Merlin Y/n were you trying to give me a scare?."
You giggled at him and held his face in your hands.
" I'm sorry Reggie I just wanted to surprise you." You then tilted his chin up so you could look right into his green eyes.
" Forgive me Reggie."
Regulus blushed even more and his eyes moved to your inviting lips.
" Of course Y/n." he said softly.
You smiled brightly and kissed Regulus' soft lips.
Regulus kissed you back just as softly and you wrapped your arms around his neck whilst one of your hands brushed through his soft rain filled curly locks. Then the rain came pouring down but you both didn't care and continued to snog like your lives depended on it.
" And I just can't imagine how he could be so okay now that I'm gone."
James' pretty face suddenly had a serious look on it.
Remus' began to realise exactly what had happened between you and Regulus. However Sirius was still in the dark about that.
Regulus looked at you playfully as you pushed his hand whilst play fighting with him.
"Okay okay! You win Y/n." Regulus said between giggles.
"I told you that I always win Regulus!" You said in a proud voice smirking at him.
"What are you saying Y/n?" Sirius asked you.
" Regulus broke up with me because he's become a death-eater." You managed to get out through your sobs.
You leaned back against Regulus' chest as he leaned his chin on the top of your head.  You and Regulus had just spent the afternoon making sweet and passionate love for the first time.
" Wow that was just wow." Regulus said flustered.
"I know ." You replied a small smirk on your face.
Sirius' face fell.
" I'll hex him." Sirius said in a angry voice.
Remus pulled you into another hug as you sobbed even more.
" Guess he didn't mean ..."
It was your Aunties wedding day and you and Regulus had snuck off outside again.
" The ceremony was so lovely my Auntie looked so beautiful and happy I hope I look as beautiful as her on our wedding day." You told Regulus.
Regulus' eyes widened and he blushed.
" You want to marry me?" He asked you.
You smiled at him.
"Of course I do silly! I want to spend the rest of my life with you, because as long as you're in it I know that I will always be happy." You replied with a huge smile on your face.
Regulus looked at you like you were the most beautiful and wonderful person in the whole wide world. He then pulled you into a long and lovely kiss.
James mirrored Sirius' shocked and angry facial expression and then he said.
" I'll help you Sirius."
"what he wrote in that song about me."
You sat on one of the many comfy chairs in the room of requirement and listened to Regulus play a sweet love song that he wrote about you , on the old piano.
" I'm sorry for what my brother has done Y/n."
Sirius told you in a sad tone.
You only sniffled back as a reply to Sirius. Remus then softly wiped your tears with the pad of his thumb.
It was another day of you and Regulus spending time in your favourite place the room of requirement. You had just finished a small painting, however you had trouble untying your apron so you asked Regulus to help you.
" Untie my apron would you Reggie." You told him
"Of course my love." Regulus replied as his cold fingers slowly undone the neat bow on your apron.
" Cause he said forever,
Remus looked right into your eyes and said.
" We are here for you Y/n."
now I fly alone past his street."
You took Regulus' hat off of him and laced your fingers through his curls. Regulus loved when you played with his hair it made him feel loved. He then nuzzled his nose across your cheek in a loving way as you pulled him in for a cuddle.
You finished telling the marauders everything.
James took a hold of your hand and intertwined it with his large but soft hand. He hoped that the act would comfort you even just a little.
Hello everyone I know it's been so long since I've updated but I wanted this chapter to be longer. I hope you guys enjoy it and have a lovely day/night! 🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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