Chapter 33 - Harry

Start from the beginning

'Okay, it's a blue VW beetle.'

I nod and watch the driver, I want to pay him whatever it takes to have him go double the speed limit, but I also don't want him to get arrested.

It takes 50 minutes, they are the longest minutes of my entire life, I see Emma's car as soon as we turn in, there's barely any cars in the carpark.

I practically throw the fare at the driver, I give him way more than it cost, but I don't care.

I gently tap on Emma's window, I don't want to startle them, Emma and Auroras mum get out of the car, as well as a guy that I don't recognise, if this is the guy that has left her up that mountain I don't think I'll be responsible for my actions. But he's not, Emma introduced him as her brother Mike.

"Is there...anything?" I ask.

Wendy, her mum, shakes her head, "no... the police have sent a team up now, to search, but it's so dark." She says with a shakey voice.

I nod, "do you have any torches?" I ask.

"We brought some, but they won't let us go up, it's too dark and getting too late." Mike says, sighing.

They all look so worried.

"Fuck that, if she's up there I want to go look. She wouldn't still be up there by choice. Has anyone contacted her boyfriend?"

"He's not her boyfriend." Emma slightly snaps, "but em, yes... the police did. He drove home himself around three thirty."

"Dick." I seethe, "can I get a torch, or two?" I turn to Mike, I'm deadly serious, I am going up there.

He just nods, but Wendy shakes her head, "the police were adamant, if you get lost too... it'll make things worse."

I know it's possible, very possible but I still don't care, I'm fit enough, I'll be okay, I need to try, I don't care how late or dark it is or if they say no, no one is here to stop me.

Mike nods, "I'll go too."

Emma whips her head to him, she looks worried. He gives her a nod, "I'll be okay, I've been here hundreds of times, I'm technically trained for this."

"Scouts doesn't mean you're trained in mountain rescue." She says, "I should come too... more of us."

"No, you need to stay here." He says immediately, "stay with Wendy."

She's about to argue, but gives in and nods, Wendy can't come and it's not fair to leave her alone.

Mike opens the boot of his car and I'm surprised and impressed to see a lot of gear, he has a headlight, "I only have one, sorry." He says, I just not and grab the biggest torch I can see, it's big and should definitely help. I take a smaller one and put it in my pocket, just incase, Mike grabs one and pockets one as well.

"What else do we need?" I ask him.

"I don't have much, I grabbed these quickly from the garage." he says, putting a rope into a bag and a first aid kit, he puts in water and gives me one and then we go.

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