Maddie Pov

We were talking for 20 minutes now and Ruby and Tom had told me i didn't really have to do much today. I only had to fight with Draco...that wouldn't be to difficult, right? When Ruby got a call from David through her earbud we stoop up. Ruby excited the tent first but before I could leave Tom stopped me and turned me around to face him. I hadn't really spoken to him since that morning and it felt a little awkward since I did remember the kiss begging moment but he didn't know I did. "You like the outfit?" I asked him. "The skirt is a little short but I think you rock it" he said while walking closer. He came so close that I could almost feel his chest touching mine than he reached for my blouse which had a few buttons untied. "But keep those buttons tied Mads" he said while buttoning two buttons to cover a little more of my skin. I smiled at his protective behavior and looked into his eyes...he was so beautifull, so smooth, so diffirent from others. "I have to tell you something"he then said. "what?" I smiled "When we're going to film in a moment don't hold me back, work with me. I sometimes am a little stubborn and overcreative in a scene and let myself go" he told me and gave me a serious but excited look. I decided to nodd to let him know I understood him.

"okay guys, are you ready?" David yelled. We all stopped talking and got ready for the scene. We were filming in the great hall and I was super excited for my fight with Draco. Marcus gave a wink to wish my good luck and mouthed a 'break a leg'. I smiled at him and stuck out my toung. "camera ready? Sound ready? ACTION!" David then said. Daniel, Emma, Rupert and Tom were doing the scene and I walked in when I heard my que.

Ron: Who's that?

Tom looks behind him and sees me walking towards them. At that he just rolls his eyes. Asshole.

Draco: No one, just ignore her Weasley.

Hermoine: Isn't she called the slytherin princess?

Draco: Yes but it doesn't make sense, she's a bitch and really stupid. Once again ignore her.

Harry: Hm...a bitch..stupid and the slytherin princess...sounds like a possible girlfriend for you right Malfoy?

Draco: Shut it Potter, or I'll make you regret it.

Alice: Make who regret what?

I had appeared beside Tom and looked at the four with a raised brow, waiting for an anwser. Tom sighted and spat.

Draco: That's none of your buisness you little bitch.

Alice: Be nice Draco, have some respect.

Draco: For a stupid little girl like you? No thanks.

Alice: My god Malfoy, just that you have a dick doesn't mean you have to act like one.

Harry ( whisper to Ron): I like this girl

Alice: I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Alice Swan, the oh so lovely enemy of Draco Malfoy.

Draco: You wish.

Alice: Than what am I? We clearly hate eachother so stop denying it.

Draco: Can you please go now? You're getting on my nerves and I'm not nice to people who get on my nerve.

Alice: I get it that you've got daddy issues but leave me out of them honey.

Draco: Shut up you bitch.

Alice: Make me

He looked in my eyes, I felt my brain melting because of those eyes. He was about to make a comback but he didn't. He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my chin in between his fingers and lifted my head to his height.

Draco: Oh I'll make you

And then he pressed his lips against mine, aggressivly but pasionately. I felt my legs turn into jelly and I couldn't do anything but rap my arms around his neck. Then I felt his toung brush against my lips...I let him in and got lost. I felt safe, loved, powerfull. I couldn't stop and it felt like he wasn't planning on doing that either. I felt the knot in my belly growing and my jelly legs became even softer. He placed his hands on my hips and squeezed my skin a bit, I was melting under his touch. My lips were tinteling but I didn't stop the kissing, I couldn't, I couldn't loose his touch. I felt a certain heat apearing between my legs as he lowered his left hand a little and grabbed my neck with his right. I was getting turned on. "uhm guys?" we suddenly heard. We quickly let go of eachother and looked at David and the rest of the cast members. OMG it's my first day and I'm ruining everything with my stupid feelings. I started blushing and saw Tom did the same. "Tom? Explain yourself" Tom started stuttering and I said "I'm sorry I need to use the bathroom and ran away as fast as I could.

I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror and realised what I'd just caused to happen. It went fast and it shouldn have happend, but I...liked it. Then four girls stormed in, Emma, Ruby, Evana and Bonnie. "I'm sorry girls, I'm not in the mood for a lecture." I said ashamed. "I can believe that just happend" Emma said. "He never changes his lines or anything" Evana argumented. "wait? he NEVER does?" I asked. "Never"she repeated. "But he told me...Ruby did you know this?" I asked her, I mean she helped me together with Tom so maybe he told her. "I knew he was going to change something but not that he was going to kiss you!" she said defending herself. I nodded and said "what am I going to do?". "Don't worry hunny, David would never fire you, he likes you and it wasn't your fault" Bonnie comforted me. "But I didn stop him" I said. "Because you were scared that you would ruin the scene" Emma said. I let out a sigh of relieve, I didn have to worry. Then we heard a voice, it was Daniel in the boys bathroom next to us. "Mate, are you mental?" he asked, we guessed he was talking to Tom. "I'm sorry I just followed my intuitions" we heard Tom defending himself. "You should be glad David can laugh about it because he thinks you were trying to make a joke towards her" Rupert said. "Dude what got into you?" we heard Mathew say. "I'm sorry okay?! She just drives me crazy with those blue eyes and that beautiful smile and that amazing looking body...I just can't stay away from her and I can't resist her" Tom sighed. I blushed and looked at the girls who all had a little blush and smiled. "Let's go somewhere else" we laughed. I walked away with them but the only thing I could think was did he really think of me that way?

Why Me?- Tom Felton (Harry Potter) fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя