Chapter 4.5: Classmate's Reaction

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A/N: I'd just lost the electricity to my house and the entire neighborhood. I hate it in Texas.

This chapter will focus on the reaction of everyone that was present during the Ayanokouji vs Housen fight.

On another note, I edited and rewrote some parts on the last chapter and expanded some scenes, plus I corrected some grammar mistakes.


[Kei Karuizawa's POV]

I sat with Shinohara, Chiaki, Satou, and Mii-chan on a table in the cafeteria near the doors that connected to the outside part. We got our lunch earlier from the canteen area, as we sat down we began to have a small conversation about trivial matters. As I thought about Kiyotaka and his next grand master plan, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Argh-, how can that dim-witted Ike, be so annoying?!" Shinohara complained, for like the fiftieth time.

"Who cares?" Satou spoke.

"Huh, don't you care about our class?" Shinohara said.

"No, I mean, I can speak for anyone here and tell you, no one cares about your Ike problems." Chiaki answered.

"W-What? Are you saying I care about him?" Shinohara asked flabbergasted.

"Yea-" I was cut off, by a sound, that caught everyone's attention.


"Go get your senpai some water, why don't you" A voice rang out.

I immediately turned around to find Kiyotaka confronting Housen with his group of friends.

Hey hey hey! What are you doing now Kiyotaka, you didn't start a fight now did you? Ah mou, you're getting me more worried than I need to be. But what's going on, my heart is about to burst.

"H-Hey, that Ayanokouji guy." Shinohara said in shock.

"He probably didn't start it! Ayanokouji-kun is not that type of person!" Mii-chan spoke in support.

Not that type of person, hey what happened between you two, for you to say that!? I'm not giving him up to you! Never in a million years I will lose him to you!

"I know, because Yousuke-kun, said he's the most reliable person to him! Also if you look, his friends Airi, Hasebe, and Yukimura, are scared. Considering how Housen's a big bully, I deduce that he's just protecting them!" Mii-chan explained.

"..." Chiaki stayed silent, but she's closely analyzed the situation.

"Should we call Hirata-kun, to deal with the situation?" Shinohara suggest.

"Yeah, he definitely stop the situation!" Mii-chan agreed.

I'm sorry to tell you this Mii-chan, but Hirata can't do nothing between those two people. I don't even know why he's considered an option since all he does is unify the class, he's not strategic, and even though his physical ability is good, it's still nothing compared to those two.

"I don't think we should bother Hirata." I said.

They turned to me in shock.

"Why not?" Satou questioned.

"If we do call him, he'll just get beat." I spoke honestly

"Hirara can win-" Mii-chan was cut off.

"In all honesty, Hirata can't stand up against Housen." Chiaki interrupted.

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