Chapter 2: A Dinner to Remeber

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I turned towards the door, and walked over, to unlock it. After I took off all of the locks, I reached for the handle, but the person on the other side already opened it.

"You couldn't just knock?" I deadpanned.

"Awww senpai~, I just wanted to get your attention." Amasawa smirked.

"Banging on my door like that could cause damage, you know?" I said.

"Nevermind, that senpai, what's with your hand?" Amasawa pointed at my hand.

Wait, the knife was still in my hand? Does that mean the whole time with Nanase, I had this knife pierced through my hand? No wonder why she's scared, probably thinking I'm a psychopath.

"Well you see-" Before I could finish my sentence the little demon yanked the knife out of my hand. Ouch.

She just yanked it out. Didn't even ask for permission, nor did she bandage it. She didn't even do it slowly, if anything I'm pretty sure she used all of her strength. Damn demon.

"Wow! This is a sharp knife, you didn't get into a street fight did you~?" Amasawa teased.

"I can guarantee you right now, I didn't get into any fight at all. What happened was, when I was cutting the green onions stick, I accidentally stabbed myself." I lied.

"You, stab yourself, through the palm?" Amasawa questioned.

Seems like she saw through my lie.

"Well, senpai? An explanation is needed~" Amasawa said.

"Your friend Housen, stabbed me." I replied.

"He's not my friend, but on his behalf I apologize." Amasawa became unusually nice.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Now that's a knock. Oh, here comes Kei. I walked over to the door, and opened it.

"Kiyotaka! Wait? What is SHE doing here!?" Kei pointed at Amasawa.

"She wanted a meal, and chose me as her chef." I explained.

"Ah mou! How bothersome, I just want to eat dinner between us two!" Kei groaned.

"Maybe next time?" I offered.

Kei just pouted, as I walked into the kitchen to cook food, specifically Tom Yum Goong. Mostly because that's what I could make with the ingredients I have right now. I started cooking.

"Wait! WHAT'S WITH YOUR HAND!?" Kei screamed, as she rushed over to bandage it.

[Time-Skip: After Cooking]

Although it had taken slightly longer than expected, I had managed to make the Tom Yum Goong approximately as instructed. My hand was completely unusable , and now, the time has come to have Amasawa and Kei try the completed dish.

I placed the Tom Yum Goong on the table before turning around and coming right back with an apple in hand. I should show my knife skills to impress my guests. The reason why I chose apples?

Apples are the best fruit after all.

"I usually use a normal kitchen knife to peel apples, so using this might be a little awkward, but-" I spoke these words as a preface to help cushion the blow and started peeling the apple.

"Wow~ How amazing! You're doing perfectly! The way you handle that knife gets a 100, from me!" Amasawa gave me a thumbs up.

"Kiyotaka, you're so skill full with a knife, even only using one hand. As expected of 'MY' boyfriend." Kei smiled, as she glared at Amasawa.

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