Chapter 8: 2023 Rewrite

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When everyone got to the bureau, Nikki marched up to Johann and kicked him in the stomach area causing everyone to look at her in shock since she was usually not one to attack a fellow agent. "Agent Quinn, I could have your badge for this."

"And I could find a way to send you to the afterlife permanently that is undoubtedly in the library that holds Professor's notes about you," She told him before crouching down in front of him. "You had Red kill that forests god when you could have just tried to calm it down or better yet allowed me to take it here." She glared at him.

"And how do you suppose we should have been able to do that?" He tried to counter.

"YOU KNOW OF MY POWERS YOU NAZI!" She yelled at him with tears in her eyes. "You have read my file. You knew that I could have communicated with it. It wasn't hurting anyone, it was just scared."

"You are out of line, Agent Quinn," Johann said signaling an agent to come to grab you.

Nikki aimed one of her Glocks at the agent moving towards her. "Take one more step, I'll put a bullet in your knee." She told the female agent. "This is between me and the good doctor." The agent held their hands up and backed away. Nikki looked down at Johann. "You need to understand that not everyone here is a soldier and that includes me and Red. He is no better than a child trying to be accepted by humans while you are just trying to be a good soldier trying to control that child." She got off the doctor. "You're lucky that I was able to get another seed from the remains or I would make sure you can't ever give another order." She stepped over the doctor's body and went to her room without another word.

On the way to her room, she ran into the princess. "Oh, hello Agent Quinn?" the princess greeted her confused about if she got the name right.

Nikki chuckled. "Please, call me Nikki, your majesty" She bowed to the blonde woman before standing. "Might I ask why are you in the hallways and might I say you are looking slightly flustered?"

Nuala blushed slightly before asking. "Can we please talk about this more privately? I would like to ask you some questions myself."

The nymph-like woman nodded before looking around the hallway. "Um... yeah, let's go to my room. I need to water my plants anyways." Nikki confessed before leading the princess to her room. When they got there, Nikki opened her door letting the princess in. "Sorry about how it looks, my plants have been replanted recently and I haven't had the time to clean up." She said as she went to grab a pot of dirt for the seed of the forest god.

Nuala looked around the room in awe, mesmerized by the number of plants that filled in her room. "No, it's fine. It reminds me of the forest," The princess admitted to the agent.

"I try to make it seem that way." Nikki chuckled and set the seed down in a pot with soil and began to water it along with the rest of her plants. "Please take a seat," She told her guest as the vines formed a chair behind the princess.

Nuala giggled happily. "You have powers. You control plants" She stated with a smile that could rival a child's. "How?"

"Don't know." The nymph-like woman admitted. "My family and I went to the forest one day to get away from the world for a bit and I got separated and walked into a very deep and overgrown part of it." She began to explain. " I was lost and I didn't know how to get back to my parents. I kept exploring, trying to find my way back when I found this small tree that looked like it was just growing but it wasn't getting enough sunlight. So I dug it up and replanted it in a brighter area that was near the water. When I planted it, I was pricked by something. Well, not exactly a prick but it was more like a cut." She showed her hand and in the middle, there was a long cut. "But I didn't care at that moment. I just finished planting the tree and walked away. When I turned back to the deep woods, it opened up a path to my parents." Nikki smiled at the memory. "I didn't understand it since I was still a kid. I thought it was just my imagination until after we got home. I started to ask for plants even though my parents thought I would kill them but every plant I owned grew. I thought I just had a green thumb but one day on my way home, I was followed by some man. He attacked me and when he did, I threw my hands out to push him away only for him to be thrown by a limb wrapped around his neck."

Nuala looked at her in shock. "Were you hurt?" She asked the young woman.

"No, not physically. Traumatized and shocked beyond belief but I survived." Nikki smiled softly at the princess. "After that, I learned to control my powers, I made a connection with the plants to the point that I feel their pain if I am in a certain range like the forest god." She explained to the blonde.

"I am so sorry," Nuala said in a comforting voice.

"It's fine but now I have a question for you." the princess looked at her companion with understanding and nodded. "What does this bracelet mean?" Nikki held out her hand exposing the bracelet.

The princess gently grabbed her wrist, slowly learning everything about the woman in front of her. She saw the attack from when Nikki was a teenager, she saw her parents and their death, she saw the first time she met Professor Broom, and she saw Nuada and the interactions between the two. "He wants to rule the new world with you. He is connected to you somehow, much like he is connected to me."

"Connected?" Nikki questioned. "Like soulmates." Nuala nodded.

"Yes, like soulmates." The princess bowed her head.

Nikki held the woman's hand. "Ok, I understand." She gave the woman in front of her a soft smile. "So I saw that you and Abe seem to be getting along real nicely" She chuckled as she watched the pale woman's face go red. "So I'm right."

"Yes, I find him quite alluring," Nuala admitted.

"I'm glad that you do because judging from the music we are hearing, I'd say he feels the same." Nikki smiled and hugged the woman as they just listened to the music playing above them. After a while, Nuala suddenly stood up and reached her hand outward. "Nuala?" Nikki questioned when suddenly she jerked her hand back.

"He's here," She said in Gaelic, looking at her new friend. 

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