new meat

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Harvey James' POV

I've just been assigned to the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I'm 23, so quite young to be assigned to such a specialized division, but it's my dream job so I'm not complaining. It was difficult for me to pass the FBI's recruitment process due to my Asperger's and questionable history of mental health, but hey, I'm here now.

I took the elevator up to the floor of the BAU, fiddling with my new badge. Twitching my head a few times, I made sure to compose myself as the elevator stopped at my new home. Ding. The doors opened and in seemingly slow-motion I walked the few meters to the glass doors, taking a breath before pulling one open. I kept my head down. Still, I could feel the eyes on me, the strangers who'd all been here for years already.

"You're the new guy, aren't you?" I heard a tough voice say from a few feet away as I walked past the desks. Looking up, the voice came from a tall, large black man. I could smell the testosterone through the air.

"Yeah," I looked at him, glancing at the other unfamiliar faces behind him nervously.

He smiled a little. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Derek Morgan. I know you gotta get to Hotch first, he's up those stairs," he nodded his head in the direction of the small flight of stairs and proceeding doorways.

"Thanks," I said quickly, reminding myself to smile back. I took one last fast glance at the others before looking down again, and making my way to my new boss' office.

"Agent Hotchner?" I leaned through the doorway, giving a quiet knock on his door.

Agent Hotchner quickly looked up, and upon seeing me, stood. "Ah, Harvey," he held out his hand as I approached. "Glad to see you found your way here," he shook my hand.

"Thank you, sir," I said briefly.

Hotchner pointed me in the direction of my new desk, and gave me some preliminary paperwork. "We've been slow with incoming cases recently, but we still have a team meeting every morning to review them. We should be gathering now," he finished.

"Thank you, sir," I stated before making my way towards the door. I walked out, still trying to hold myself together. It's okay, it's okay, I tried to convince myself. I started towards the meeting room, Hotchner immediately behind me. There were five people sitting around the circular table, all of them looking up at me as we stepped through the door. I could see a few glance down at my boots, two inch platform Doc Martens. I hated how short I am, but never thought about how unprofessional my boots could seem.

Hotch stepped to the side of me. "Everyone, this is Agent Harvey James. He's our new member here at the BAU," he motioned towards me.

"Hi," I said quietly, almost just mouthing the words with a little wave. My eyes darted between the people sat in front of me, Hotchner, and the ground.

"New meat," the man who introduced himself to me earlier, Morgan, said with a laugh.

A woman with long, dark hair, and bangs playfully hit him on the arm. "Oh be nice to the poor kid," she turned her look from him to me, smiling. "I'm Emily Prentiss, by the way."

I waved at her, trying to smile back. My fingers were playing with a lose string of yarn on my olive green cardigan sleeve. She had leaned back and whispered something to the blonde woman next to her, both of them looking at me. I'm not that attractive, am I? No, not possible.

"Alright, you can sit if you'd like," Hotch motioned towards the table. I sat in one of two open seats on the far side, next to a girl dressed in bright colors who looked nice enough.

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