II - Trouble

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⚠️Here starts the mention of drugs. Now it isn't surprising if you've seen Banana Fish but i still prefer to put the warning. I advise you to leave if you're uncomfortable with that⚠️

Text written in bold italics like so, means the person is speaking in dutch.

3rd person pov

Our main character had gone home now, carrying that stranger's bag still since he didn't really know what to do with it at the moment tho he thought his aunt might know what to do or something.

Unfortunately she hadn't come back yet, (Y/N) didn't exactly know what she worked as, but what he did know is that Isabel comes back late. From what he's seen, she probably works as a doctor or something around it since the boy has come across documents where stood names of certain medicines he recognised for some reason.

Currently, (Y/N) was sitting on the couch, eating an apple while scrolling through social media, he may be a complete book nerd but isn't a person who completely stays out of the internet either.
Thinking about the news he turned on the TV instead, nothing special just the weather, and something about drugs again. Yes again, lately the news was flooded about things revolving around drugs for some reason, not that he'd care but (Y/N) still tried to memorise the name of those drugs in case it would be important.

A hand went trough his (H/L) hair causing him to turn around, his aunt Isabel had just come back from her work without him noticing after being so concentrated on the news. "Watching the news again huh? You really do like keeping track of the events going around,"
As those words slipped out of her mouth, he had gotten up and grabbed the bag belonging to that blond stranger. "Well maybe will come across something that gives me more inspiration and ideas, and i wouldn't want to miss that. But either way, i have a problem"
She chuckled slightly as his response before he face turned serious again. "Oh what is the problem?" She often talked dutch out of nowhere, he understood it obviously but didn't bother answering in the same language.
"I ran into a stranger at the library and accidentally switched my bag with his, they look really similar so I didn't notice until an hour later."

It was an annoying situation for him but (Y/N) stayed calm about it like most of the time, his face never really had that much expression on it.
"YOU DID WHAT NOW-?! I'VE READ THOSE NOTEBOOKS AND THERE'S MUCH INFORMATION ABOUT YOU ON THERE— THIS IS NEW YORK FOR GOD'S SAKE YOU COULD BE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!" The way she responded was no surprise since Isabel, unlike him, she was very loud and overreacts over everything. Tho this time she had a bit more reason to be worried than usual since this could cause more trouble than it seems.
"I'm aware we're in New York and that's why I didn't bother that much since the chances of getting it back are... low." Despite his response, his dear aunt went ahead and reported it, that's what it seemed like to him and (Y/N) simply headed to his room for the time being

On a completely different side of the city was where a certain Ash Lynx, was now reading those notebooks, there were about 5 different ones in there and clearly he knew that the person who it belonged to had a talent for writing but it was when he went through the 4th notebook that his eyes widened at the name (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N) pov

I took out a different one of my many notebooks to write in for now since I don't have a choice really, I'm starting to feel a need to drink coffee .. i guess i'll just go down then.
As i got there I noticed that Isabel was nowhere to be seen "ISABEL!" i yelled out her name but didn't get a response, she probably went searching for a way to get my stuff back. Its not like I don't want it back but- the chances to get it are low-
'Huh?' On the table where i walked passed to get food, was laying my aunt's stuff. She never leaves things laying around, especially not work stuff.. i still wonder what exactly she works as.. i guess a peek won't hurt.

'Banana Fish?' On one of the documents was written that, 'what a strange name for medici-'
My thought was interrupted as i saw a certain thing written on that paper, "It appears to be a dangerous drug causing hallucinations". It was obvious she worked as something around medical things but drugs? That's suspicious especially in this situation.. and it isn't written as if it's a proper document either, come to think of it, it looks more like a letter than a document.
'Why was Isabel involved in this?'

I wanted to continue going through it but my aunt won't appreciate it if she caught me reading that.. so i just went ahead and made myself a cup of coffee and head back up to my room for the time being, try to get a bit of sleep soon as well.


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