13. One month later

Start from the beginning

"Wha- the Beyoncé is going cough to be h- cough here?" I asked.

He nodded his head excitedly.

I had to tell Y/n! I know she's obsessed with Beyoncé. I mean, who isn't?

When I opened my phone I saw I received a text from her a little while ago. It was a picture of a dress she's made. I quickly complimented her and told her the news.

She was so excited as I thought.

(Let's pretend Lin was there on the day Beyoncé was there)

"Did you heard the news, Daveed?!" Lin asked me.

"Yeah, I'm so cough excited and so is Y/- cough"

"I don't think you should go on today." He told me coming in my dressing room.

"Nope. Not happening. The literal Beyoncé is here, I'm not missing that!"

A few minutes later when there was 10 minutes until showtime Rafael busted through the door. Why does he always come so late?

"Did you hear Beyoncé is going to be here?!"

"Yes, that's like the thousandth time I've heard that!"

"Damn. Look who's got their panties in a bunch," he responded sarcastically going to sit on my couch. Once again, what is it with people inviting themselves in?

"Sorry, just kind of nervous."

"How come?"

"Well cough my Hanahaki has been acting up a lot cough today."

"You shouldn't go on today. We can't take any chances."

"Not. Happening. Lin already told me that."

'5 minutes til showtime'

"You have to go Rafa, I'll see you later!"


We just finished the first half of the show and so far it went great! The second half shouldn't be that bad.

Lin and I were sitting in my dressing room in silence so I decided to say something.

"Hey Lin, cough how much time to we have left?"

"About 30 minutes," he said checking his watch. "Why?"

"No reason, just curious cough."

"Y/n called me a few minutes ago, I have to go call her back."

With the mention of Y/n I felt the familiar feeling of the (y/f/f) petals in my throat. Great.

"Oh- I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything!" He apologized.

"It's ok! I'm just go- cough to go to the bathroom cough!"

I couldn't even make it to the bathroom before I threw up. Eww.

Lin quickly got up from his spot and came to aid me.

"That's it! You aren't going back on. I'll get Andrew to do it."

I didn't even bother arguing with him.

Daveed POV

I was at Lin's apartment when I figured I should tell him what I think.

"Umm- Lin cough. I've got to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I think I want to leave Hamilton early."

"Oh- that's fine I guess. It's your decision. But may I ask why?"

"Well for starters I feel like there's going to be more days like today. More days where my Hanahaki gets bad, but worse. It's something I can't really control anymore.

"It's like simply hearing her name can trigger it."

"Oh, I understand! Tell me when you want to leave."

"Really- that's it?"

"Mhm. Like I said before, it's your decision. I can't make you stay."

"Thanks a lot, Lin!"


Yesterday night, Lin called me and told me Daveed was leaving Hamilton early. This was unexpected. I thought he had at least a year left.

Hopefully whatever made him leave isn't bad.

I started counting down the days until I leave. There is exactly 3 weeks until then. I leave December 22nd so I'll be there just in time for Christmas!

Since we don't need anything done today, I am now at the park with Johan. Right now we are walking hand in hand around the track.

"So, Y/n I need to tell you something." This snapped me out of my daydream.

"Mhm- what is it?"

"It's not important- I can't tell you later!"

"No, no, no tell me!"

"Well I umm... like you. Not as friends kind of like you."

I suddenly stopped walking, he did the same. "Well I- like you too."

"So... how about a date? I don't want to ask you to be my girlfriend yet- I mean if we even get to that point!" This made me laugh for some reason.

I agreed then we started walking home.

I'm excited for the next chapter. It's the longest I've written

𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐦, 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐬Where stories live. Discover now