Chapter 32 - Aurora

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "nothing... we should just get going, it gets dark early, we don't want to be coming back down in the dark."

He rolls his eyes, "we could just stay here." He smirks.

"Huh? Why...? We came to go up the mountain?"

"Maybe you did... but there's no one here today, we could stay here and get up to something... naughtier."

Gross. I shake my head, "no, I want to climb." I say.

"For fuck sake, why? It's boring?"

"Then why did you come?" I frown.

He rolls his eyes again, "stop pouting, I came because you wanted to, you kept going on about it."

"Because it's something I like... You could have said no if you didn't want to." I'm passed annoyed now, I'm full on pissed at him and his attitude.

"Well I thought we could just...have some fun along the way." He wiggles his eyebrows and I feel the urge to slap him.

"That's so gross, no."

"Why do you totally change every time that Harry guy contacts you? I saw you send a photo to him when we got here. Who is he really? An ex you're still pining over?"

"He wasn't my boyfriend." I say, truthfully.

"Then what? You've clearly fucked him haven't you?"

"Stop being so gross!"

"Just answer me."

"No! I don't have too, it's none of your business!" I say, my voice louder.

"I can't be bothered with this, I thought you'd be more fun, you're such a waste of time Aurora!"

"Because I haven't opened my legs for you?! And I won't out here? Because I have more respect for myself? You're gross, if all you wanted to do was get into my pants you can get lost! I'm going up the mountain, I hope you aren't the asshole you seem to be right now!"

I turn and storm off, further onto the mountain path, he doesn't follow me, he's completely out of sight when I glance back around.

What a dick, I keep going until I get about half way up, I stop to have a break and realise I should have followed him back down, I have no way to get home from here.

I sigh and call my mum, asking her to pick me up, I tell her I'll meet her in Mauds, a nearby cafe. I'll be able to get back down by the time she gets here, I feel bad having to ask her, she tells me not to worry that she'll leave soon.

I start the walk back down, I'm so pissed off that I'm not careful, I have my phone in my hand texting Emma about what has happened, I don't see the wobbly rock and I go down, hard. My hand holding my phone hits the rock and my phone smashes instantly, into my hand, but that's not the worst pain, my ankle or my leg, maybe both, it's twisted at a really bad angle and when I try to get up I fall right back down again, unable to put any weight at all on it.

"No no no." I can feel the tears stinging my eyes, "fuck no."

I try to use my phone but it's completely broken, not just the screen, there's no life left in it.

It's not dark yet, but it's mid afternoon, it will be soon, I'm on one of the paths that's never very busy, at this time of year it's so unlikely that someone will pass by me, I can feel some tears run down my cheeks, I let myself cry, this is a scenario to cry about.

I'm in a full panic, I can't move, there's no way to get down this mountain, I can't call for help with a completely broken phone. I scream for help a few times, but I know it's useless.

I manage to crawl right to the edge of the rock and tuck myself in against the side, trying to straighten my legs, I scream though, it hurts so bad. I take off my backpack and rummage in it, I have some paracetamol, I take two of the tablets, not that it will help, but I do it anyway.

I have a sports towel in my bag, I tie it tightly around my ankle where the most pain is, it hurts so bad I groan out in pain. Next I take out my waterproof jacket and put it on, I can't even imagine how cold it can get sitting still up here for a long time.

I try to think positively, my mum is coming, she'll try and contact when I'm not in the cafe, she'll let someone know that I'm missing, and then they'll find me, I just have to stay put until they get here. I'm not too far up, they'll get here.

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