"Yes if Severus is- I mean if Professor Snape is then I will be along side him. I won't let you down" I gave a quick smile.

"You may leave. Both of you"

"Thank you sir" I bowed my head for some unknown reason.

Dumbledore winked as I exited the room. I wonder if he found out about me and Severus. I mean if he did then I don't think he has anything against it as Dumbledore hasn't talked to us about it.

"You should get some rest Celia" Severus told me as we walked towards the dungeons.

"You need to as well Severus, you haven't been sleeping much and it's not doing you any good" I replied.

"I have a lot on my mind right now."

"I know I want to help you" I said quietly.

"Please. Get some sleep I will see you tomorrow" Severus turned to me and put a hand onto my cheek. Severus caressed my face before turning on his heel towards the potions room.


I woke up with heavy breathing. I had a nightmare again about the dark lord. These dreams where becoming more real every time I had them. What the hell is going on with me.

"Celia are you alright, I heard you scream" Cora asked concerned coming towards me.

"I'm alright. I need to find Dumbledore" I lied.
I got up and slipped on my robe. I wanted to see Severus I needed him.

"Do you want me to come with you" she asked.

"No I'll be fine, you stay here" I smiled softly.

I hurried down the cold corridor and soon reached the potions door. My breathing was still heavy as the nightmare kept replaying in my mind.

I opened the door to see Severus sat on his desk marking papers.

"Severus" I asked my head becoming light.
I stumbled through the door and rested on a desk at the back.

"Celia" he questioned his voice full of worry.
Severus quickly got up from his seat and rushed towards me. He placed both his hands round my waist and pulled me into a tight hug. My heart was beating fast and I was finding it hard to breath.

"Deep breaths" he hushed holding the back of my head.

"I- I had a n- nightmare"I whimpered feeling tears form behind my eyes.

"It's okay" he hummed guiding me towards his chambers

He slowly took me to his bed and sat down next to me. He took me closer towards him and I buried my head in his chest letting the tears fall. Severus rubbed my arm as I wept into him.

"Do you want to talk about it Darling" he asked pulling back so he could see my face.

"It was about the dark lord again, the dreams feel more real each time" I told him trying to suppress my tears.

"Tell me" Severus said wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"Ok I'll try"
"He called me in and asked for information I couldn't find out what he wanted, i then felt something sliding against my feet and I looked down to see nagini slithering round me. The dark lord then said 'Nagini attack' and I then felt a sharp pain shoot up through my body but the pain felt real. Do you have any idea what is happening Severus" I explained.

"Celia" he hugged me tighter.
"The dark lord is invading your dreams" Severus told me.

"But why"

"I don't know but I will try and find out But now you need to rest your exhausted"

"Okay but I want to sleep with you"I replied turning my head up to him.

"Very well"

Severus pulled the covers over us and he scooted closer to me and I layed across him my head resting onto his chest. My tears had finally stopped but my eyes were slightly red. Severus hummed me to sleep stroking my head and placed a kiss on the scar on my face.
I could feel his heartbeat as I lay on him. My eyes went heavy as I was suddenly eaten by darkness.

It's my 17th birthday today ahh I can finally drive! Hehe look at this very bad fan art I did 💀

A/N It's my 17th birthday today ahh I can finally drive! Hehe look at this very bad fan art I did 💀

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