Chapter 3

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"Great. I should've brought a jacket," I mumbled to myself as a shiver came down my spine.

I was already half way there and I was FREEZING. At night, it gets pretty cold around here.

In order to get to Devon Woods, I had to pass up the village. It was pretty dark out and no one was really there. As I passed up all the stands, I started to smell smoke. Like something was burned.

I looked around to see where the scent was coming from and realized, there was ashes all around the ground. As memories flooded from yesterday, I remembered something.

George Kingsford...

Not wanting to think about it, I sped up and left the village as quickly as possible.

After a while of walking, I started to wonder if I might've gotten lost. All I saw around me was fields of trees. That's it.

I then noticed a sign way up ahead.

"Devon Woods," I whispered.

When I finally approached the sign, I take a good look at the woods and gulped.

Maybe I should turn back...

No, I told myself. I have to keep going, I already came this far.

The woods were so dark, and that is what made it scary. I wasn't able to tell what was really ahead of me.

Every step I took, a crack followed. Noticing my surroundings, there were a lot of critters too.

"Shoot!" I exclaimed as I whacked my forehead with my palm.

  I forgot to change into the dress and shoes.

Where was I suppose to change? Out here? When whoever sent me here could be watching me?

I really had no other choice so I tried to change as rapidly as possible.

When I was in the middle of trying to pry my dress on, stubborn dress, I heard a huge CRACK.

I jumped and quickly finished putting my dress on.

"Who's there?! Hello?" I yelled as my heart dropped to my stomach.

The sound of hoots and chirping filled the silence.

Huh, must have been an animal or something.

I finish putting on my shoes and realized, how did they know my exact size?

As possibilities filled my head, I heard another CRACK.

  "Alright, that's it! Who is it?!"

Before I could think that I might have been possibly hallucinating, I heard shuffling from the bushes behind me.

Right when I turned around, I jumped to see a girl who was ironically wearing a dress and similar shoes as mine as well and had reddish hair.

  She looked scared to death, not that I wasn't either.

"Who are you? Are you the one who sent me here?" I questioned.

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