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Nuna sat in the corner of her Astrology class with James Potter next to her

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Nuna sat in the corner of her Astrology class with James Potter next to her. Usually, Nuna found the class interesting but today, they were just boringly reviewing for an upcoming exam.

She was reading a restricted book from the Hogwarts library under the table while James was admiring the back of Lily's head. Lily felt someone watching her and quickly turned around to find the curly-haired boy's piercing eyes staring straight at her. The redhead's green eyes moved from the boy to Nuna who was looking down at her lap. Nuna then felt a pair of eyes on her making her lookup. Lily's face lit up and waved at Nuna, receiving a small wave back. Her eyes once again met James's but instead of waving, she scoffed and turned back around, a slight blush on her face. James sighed before turning to Nuna who had turned her attention back on her book.

"Hey, Bernard," James whispered. Nuna's eyes stayed glued to her book. "Bernard?" Again, nothing. James rolled his eyes. "Bernard!" he whispered loudly. Nuna's head shot up. She was so caught up in her book she had forgotten her own fake name.

"Oh, yeah. That's me," she replied. "What do you want, Potter?" He looked at her weirdly but didn't remark.

"Thanks for the record album," he whispered. "We had a lot of fun with it. You've got good music taste."

"Well, I'm glad since it's one of my favorite bands," she replied before going back to her book. James tapped the desk a few times before taking a deep breath in.

"You're a girl, aren't you?" he asked.

"Ah bon?" Nuna sarcastically gasped. "I would've never figured that out myself. Thanks for the observation, mon ami."

James's face deadpanned. "Hey, I didn't wanna assume. Also, stop with the Frenchie stuff around me. You can do it around Sirius but not me. I barely know how to speak English as it is. Two languages will give me a headache."

Nuna scoffed. "What'd you need anyway?"

"You understand how girls work, right?" he asked. She hesitated, but nodded. "Can you help me understand Evans over there? Since you're friends with her and all."

Nuna didn't want to consider Lily as her friend. She felt like she didn't have a right since she was... y'know.

"I think you should just give up on her," was the first thing that came out of Nuna's mouth. James frowned so hard Nuna could hear it. She looked up and sighed. "Or at least—, try and be less obsessive, y'know? Try and act like you haven't planned out your guys' future kid's name and whatnot."

She said her last sentence as a joke but as she stared at James's expression, he looked slightly guilty as if he was trying to hide something from her.

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