15 - The train car discussion

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I sat in my room. My door stood open a crack, admitting light into the hall. A  tall mirror ran up my wall, as I examined myself in it. I had removed my glamour charm for the night, and I traced every scar that ran up my arm. I was home again, I had been the last few weeks. The memory of amethyst leaving replayed on a continuous loop as I looked at myself. I had barely slept in weeks. Bags were visible underneath my sockets, as my mess of hair fell into my face. I looked awful, sick almost. Today was the first of september. The first day of school. The malfoy’s were coming to take me to the station, per my request. But for the first time ever, I didn’t want to go back. 
The train ride wouldn’t be as magical as it was with Amethyst. The year wouldn’t move as smoothly without her support. I heard voices coming from downstairs, signaling they were here. I sobbed, picking up my shirt. I examined myself one more time, and began to lift the shirt over my head. A gasp and a cry filled the air as my door creeped open. I snapped around, only to see Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco in the doorway. I pulled my shirt the rest of the way down, and stared at the three. Narcissa’s face was desperate for answers, and draco stood there, his eyes down at the floor. Lucius stared, his eyes looking shocked.
I looked down at my arms, and saw that I still didn’t have my charm on. I ran towards my door, and slammed it in their faces. I  breathed as I heard their footsteps move back down the hall. Lucius’ muffled voice could be heard through the walls of my room. I quickly grabbed my wand, putting on the glamour charm. I took a deep breath, and calmly walked downstairs. 
“What is going on here?!” I heard narcissa snap.
“Nothing is going on. Everything is fine.” Mother explained calmly.
“Then explain why just a few weeks ago, she came running to us, in the rain, crying!” Lucius snapped, “Explain why Amethyst is gone! Where is she? She hasn’t been seen in weeks, and you don’t seem to care!” 
“She ran after an unfortunate event.” I said, turning the corner to enter the front hall.
“And exactly what was that event?” Narcissa snapped.
I had never seen her this angry. Honestly, it was quite scary. Her pale face seemed to redden. I looked down at the ground, I could feel Draco’s pity filled gaze on me.
“Can we just go? I don’t want to miss the train…” I said, finally looking up.
Narcissa huffed, and Lucius simply stared at me.
“She has a point. We should go…” Draco agreed.
Narcissa sighed, and nodded. 
“Goodbye darling. See you christmas.” Mother chirped sweetly.
I walked past them, not responding. Everything had returned to the way it was before that one christmas. They acted like nothing had happened, like they hadn’t just lost their daughter. They spoiled me and acted sweetly when I was in the room. It disgusted me. I walked out the door. Draco turned around, also not saying anything, and followed me.

We sat in the compartment. Silence engulfed us as rain raced down the window, quietly tapping on the roof of the train. Draco stared at me, a look of frustration and sadness in his eyes. He huffed and stood up, looking down on me. I peeled my eyes away from the window, looking up into his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” He snapped.
“What do you mean?” I asked, shocked.
“I thought they had stopped. I thought that inspection-“
“Oh you mean the inspection that nearly got me and my sister killed?!” I snapped.
“What are you…” He cut himself off.
“Because of that inspection, Amethyst got crucio’d half to death, and I nearly watched my sister die!” I hissed.
“Why didn’t you tell me it hadn’t stopped! After you came to us those few weeks ago, with your sister, then your boggart, I knew it hadn’t stopped, but I hoped it had at least slowed down! It’s clear to me now, that it didn’t.” He snapped back at me, beginning to pace the small compartment.
“Maybe I was scared! Maybe I didn’t want to see it again! My parents are powerful, Draco. They could have destroyed us in a heartbeat. And for your information, draco, it did stop! But that’s only after my sister left! They are cold hearted, selfish, and vile. That’s why they are, there's no stopping it. I have no certainty that it won't happen again, but the least i could do is hope!” I snapped and looked up into Draco’s worried face.
He stopped, and once again, it was silent. Draco sat back down, and stared at the compartment floor. He looked ashamed.
“I’m sorry… I’m just… I’m worried about you Mj… I don't want anything to happen to you… you’ve been through so much… I don’t need you getting hurt anymore…” 
I looked up at draco. I scooted down the seat, just so I could sit across from him. I placed my hand on his, and he looked up at me. I gave him a sweet smile, and shook my head.
“There’s no need to worry yourself. Especially about me. It’s going to be okay.” I smiled
“Yeah… I guess you have a point.” He smiled back.
My heart fluttered as I stared into those sad eyes of his. At that moment, I knew this year wouldn’t be better than the last. But something would happen. I was unsure what, but I knew it would change my life. For good.

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