Ask 11

350 9 7

Me : idk I haven't seen him in a while.

Optimus : that's because predaking got ultra magnus sparked and is keeping him safe in a cave were they first met they were supposed to do an alliance but there relationship got more intimated and now they are spark mates and they interfaced * said all of that clamly *

Me :0-0 wtf?!?!?!?

Smokescreen : how can you say that calmly?

Optimus :* shrugs *

Me * anyways * walks off to go and find this cave *

~ 2 hours later ~

Me :*. Finally finds it and walks  in *

Predaking : * sees me and growls * grrrrrr

Ultra magnus : predaking its alright I know her

Predaking : but i need to protect my queen

Me :* watching all of this and trying not to laugh : pffft so queen magnus I have a question for you

Ultra magnus : yes what is it and do he quick because this is the predacon liar and they will be coming back soon also that's what my subjects call me now ' Queen magnus'

Me : okay anyways are you and predaking dating?

Ultra magnus : yes we are also we're having a little girl


Predaking : though she may be a hybrid I still love her

Ultra magnus : agreed our little starlight

Predaking :no my queen princess starlight * rubs head on the belly bump *

Ultra magnus :* rubs predaking's beast mode head * I love you

Predaking :I love you too

Me :* gonna throw up from all of the lovey dovey stuff happening * anyways hope that answers your question

I did it and I made up a new name for ultra magnus ' Queen magnus'
Hope you enjoyed and if you didn't go and find something else to read I'm trying to make a joke and not be rude anyways

Rescuebots234 out

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