Wait..why is she so calm?

Her expressionless face didn't change, even when she dialed a number in her phone and raised it to her ears while maintaining direct eye contact with Baekhyun and not lowering her eyes for a bit, this shocked Baekhyun the most.

"Hello? 112? I would like to report an emergency. There is a strange man in my hou..."

Before she could finish Baekhyun ran, grabbed her phone and hung up. The next thing that happened was more unexpected. She grabbed Baekhyun's arm and twisted it around and tried to grab the phone from his other arm. Both of them got into a little bit of a tussle while trying to get the phone and somehow at one point the girl hand pinned Baekhyun on the ground and had successfully grabbed the phone while sitting on top of him.

Baekhyun was tired as hell, but he still had to admit that this girl had some fighting skills.

She was again about to dial the police number but Baekhyun couldn't let that happen but she was holding him in such a bad position, he couldn't even move.

"Hey, hey, kid. Let's not involve police into this! Let's help each other out. I will give you whatever you want!" Baekhyun shouted.

She seemed unamused but decided to give him a chance to explain.

"So..how would you explain you being at my house at 3:30 in the morning without my permission?" She asked while still holding him down,"What are you? A burglar? A fugitive? A runaway.."

"I'm none of that..hey..I'm having trouble breathing. Can you please get off me?Kid, it would be easier to talk in the living room, wouldn't it?"

"Adjusshi," she started.

Baekhyun widened his eyes.


Who? Me??

Is she blind or what??

But Baekhyun knew he wasn't in the position to argue about that right now. This girl is way more dangerous than she seems.

"Do I look stupid to you?" She asked,"You just want me to get off of you so you can attack me."

"No, that's not it," that's exactly it, "Let's talk like civilized human beings."

"What you were doing wasn't so civilized, was it?"

"I told you I would give you whatever you want. I'm really really tired and really weak right now and I really can't go to the police. Please, help me."

Baekhyun doesn't know if his desperation touched her or because of his offer of him giving her anything she wanted, she rolled her eyes and slowly got off of him,"Fine, let's go to the living room and talk like 'civilized people'."

As soon as she got up and walked out of the kitchen to get to the living room, Baekhyun got up, got the small gun he keeps attached to his ankles out and pointed at her. He was waiting for this opportunity for so long.

How dare this little girl threaten and tackle him? Who does she think she is? Just because she got a little strength and fighting skills..she thinks she's all that? Now..it's gonna be fun to see this girl tremble infront of the pointed gun. Baekhyun would probably be able to scare her into letting him stay here tonight and get him some food and then never telling anyone this ever again.

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