Then, Jason looks down at me, catching me staring at his body. I hear him chuckle and look up, noticing he saw me. I blush, snapping my head towards the window again. God, Danny! Can't you just not focus on him for two seconds? You're supposed to be mad at him, remember? Not checking him out!

"Your uh.." he mumbled, still not letting me out of the little area I was trapped in. "Your food is ready. I'll escort you downstairs." I groan, crossing my arms. I don't need him to do everything for me. Geez.

|.:: Jason's P.O.V. ::.|

I smile again at Danny's stubborness. She looked so nervous too, being so close to me. But I didn't want to move. I wanted to keep her here, where I know she's safe. She's out of my sight for five minutes and she's being attacked by.... who the hell was that?

It couldn't really be Jeff the Killer, could it? He wasn't real! But those eyes and that eerie smile... it all seemed pretty real to me. Maybe Danny was telling the truth the whole time. I sigh, stepping back from her. She quickly scampered away from me, rushing over to the top of the stairs, where she stood to wait for me. With one final look out the window, I head over towards her.

She smiled at me, which made my heart race a little, before heading down the steps. As she turned, though, I caught a glimpse of her back. There was blood. A lot of blood. And an open wound on her upper back. It looked painful and fresh. My blood boiled, knowing I let the person who did that get away.

I grab Danny's arm in a panic. "Oh my god, Danny! Your back!" I say and notice my voice sounds way too concerned. I hope she didn't notice.

Her eyes widen and her cheeks darken. Wait.. what is she concerned about? Her back or the my tone of voice? "Oh.. I forgot.." She said, her voice quivering. The mood here was so... blah. I don't want the whole night to be gloomy.

I smile, scooting around in front of her. "Get on my back, I'll carry you to the kitchen and get that fixed up." I hear her scoff from behind me and I just know she's trying to not be reluctant again.

"I can walk by myself, thank you." She says, but I don't move. I turn around, looking her in the eyes with a playfully stern glare. The fact that I was a few steps below her made us the samr height. I poked her forehead, causing a confused look to cross her face. I see a small smile tug on the corners of her mouth though.

I smile back, shaking my head. "You're going to get light headed soon from the bloodloss. I don't want you falling and injuring yourself even more." She looked as if she were going to try and protest but I hold up a hand. "Yes, I know I'm right. As a cop, I'm required to take advanced first aid classes." I turn around once again. "Now just get on my back, Danny."

After a sigh, I feel her small, light frame crawl on me. Her arms wrap around my neck as I grab onto her legs to keep her up. She sets her head on my shoulder, which makes me feel as if we were a real couple.

Wait. Stop that! Stop it right now! You're a cop and she's just a high school student! You're simply looking out for her and tending to her wounds as any loyal cop would! Now stop feeling so weird about it!

I walk down the remaining steps, my eyebrows furrowed in determination. I carry her into the kitchen and look around. I sigh. "I didn't think this through well. I'm going to have to take you to the living room so you can lay down. I cant examine your back on counter top." I say, using my professional cop voice now. I hear her laugh as I turn to go to the other room.

"What's with the voice? You don't have to talk like that around me, Jason." Her playful voice makes me smile. I set her down on the couch and she lays like I want her to.

"Whatever," I chuckle. "Where's your damn first aid kit?"

|.:: Danny's P.O.V. ::.|

"All done. How's it feel?" Jason asks, flashing one of his genuine smiles. I smile back, although, the now patched up wound on my back still hurts. I forgot all about it until Jason mentioned it on the stairs. He had explained it was probably the adrenaline rush.

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