The next day Daan and her teammates had flight to the Netherlands. They had a little activity at the KNVB Campus to finish all the stuff around the World Cup, a little party to celebrate the zilver medal with each other and some family. She loved it, it was nice to celebrate and didn't think about a next game of a hard training or something else about the tournament.

After this it was time to see al her family and friends, she had missed them during the tournament. First she visit al her family, her grandparents, her cousin and of course she spent some time with her parents, sister and little Amé. It was nice, she loved every moment. The next day it was time to see her best friends. It was time to catch up and talk about everything, from the tournament to al the other things in live, Daan her school and of course Beth. Her friends were disappointed about the fact that Beth wasn't in Holland. 'She need to see her family and friends after this tournament, almost 2 months away from them', Daan had told them. The girls understood, but were still sad about it. Daan make a promise to visit with Beth after their holiday.

Beth went after the final home with a flight the next morning. She can't wait to see her family and friends. When she walked out of the airport she run to her mum and dad who were waiting for her. 'He girl, come here', her mum told her. Beth hadn't see her parents since the 3/4 place game against Sweden, so she was happy to see them. 'He guys, how are you?', she ask. 'Were good girl, happy you are here', her dad says. They go in to car and drive back home. Beth spent some time with her parents and little brother, they talked about her games and about Daan her final. Her parents told her they couldn't wait to see Daan and spent some time together. Beth told them to visit after their holiday or sometime during pre-season. The next day Beth visit her best friends and some other family. She was so happy to see them, they went to the beach and make a little walk, they talked about the tournament and about Daan her final.

That night Beth went to her room and FaceTimed Daan. 'He girl, do you enjoy your time at home?', Daan ask. 'Yeah it is actually what I needed at the moment. You?' 'Yeah it's nice, very happy. But can't wait till tomorrow'. Tomorrow Beth will fly to Holland around 4 pm, she will stay one night at Daan her parents. The next morning they have a early flight, then it was finally time to spent holiday with the two of them. 'Yeah, can't wait either. So exited to spent some time alone with you hun', Beth told Daan. 'Well, I am going to sleep. See you tomorrow girl', Beth says. 'Yeah sleep well, see you tomorrow. Love you' 'Love you, goodnight'.

The next day both of them were just chilling with their parents, at 2 pm Beth went to the airport because she had a plane to catch. She says her family goodbye and went in the plane, she send Daan a text while waiting. 'See you in an hour, love you'. 'Yeah, safe flight. Love you', Daan had send her back within a minute. Daan went to the airport to pick her up, when she was there she had send a text that she was waiting outside. Beth knew were she was, Daan will always wait on the same place. When Beth saw Daan, Daan was looking on her phone so she didn't saw Beth coming. When she was close enough, 'Wooh is it true? Are you Danielle van de Donk, World Cup finalist. The best midfielder for Holland', Beth says with a smile and couldn't hold her laugh when she saw Daan her face. Daan laugh about her silly girlfriend, 'Come here you', she says while wanting a hug. 'He Daan, you ready for our holiday?', Beth ask. 'Yeah, just you and me', Daan says with a grin on her face.

That night they were finally together in Daan her bed, ready to spent the first night together since the start of the tournament. They were cuddling and talking with each other, when Daan thought it will be a good idea to tell Beth something. 'He babe, I want to tell you something', she says. 'Oo is it bad?', Beth was a little bit in shock. 'No no it is just ...', Daan told Beth fast because she saw a nervous face. 'You remember the moment when you heard you was in the squad for the World Cup. You were so stressed about it, while you and I both know you will made it.', Daan start. 'Yeah I can remember, the day before my birthday. You know how stressed I was, never been in my live', Beth told Daan honestly. 'Yeah, but now we are 3 months away and you played an amazing tournament, make you debut when you were in the starting 11 against Scotland, gave some great assist and played a semi final against the USA. I mean, I was already so proud, but after this tournament. I can't been more proud of you. Beth you are always there for me, you makes me happy, you makes me feel safe, you calm me down when I have a bad day and you will be there when I am shouting at the ref. When we are here, you are amazing with my family. Every time when you are cuddling with Amé I am looking at you with heart eyes, thanks for being there for the last 2 years, if it is on me I am not ready to go away from you fast. I love you Beth, so so much', Daan says while getting tears in her eyes, because Beth was already sobbing. Beth didn't know what to say, that Daan told her this makes her feel like an angel. She loves Daan so much and that she says this to her means the world. 'Okay wooh, you know that this means everything to me. I mean you makes me always feel safe, when I miss my family you are there for a big hug, when I am stressed after a game you are there for me or when I played a good game and you maybe didn't play your best game, you are still so happy for me. Daan you didn't know how proud I was when you walked on that pitch during the final, I just had the same feeling when we kissed for the first time. You didn't know how much you mean to me, ik hou zoveel van jou Daan', Beth told her girl. Daan tough about the words Beth had said. 'Thank you Beffy'. It was time to sleep for the girls, tomorrow their flight is early so the alarm clock is very early. This was the end of the World Cup for them, they both played an amazing tournament with their teams. Definitely one they will never forget and even they hadn't seen each other for so long it end up that they love each other even more after these months. It all end up very good for the girls, time for some relaxing days. 'Goodnight Beth, I am proud of you!', Daan says. 'Welterusten Daan, ik ben ook super trots op you!', Beth told Daan. They lay in each other arms and there it fell al safe, the tournament was for both of them a memory forever!

Well, this was my first story! Very happy with it, hope you all like it to. Thanks for all your support!

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