Realisation flooded through me as I watched Harry's eyes drop to my body. I crossed my arms impatiently; Dean's mouth was hanging open, Seamus was frozen in his place, and Ron's eyes kept darting between Mione and the wall. They clearly weren't the only ones impressed with what they saw, seeing as a few other sleepy students who had just arrived began howling and whistling.

"Mills," said Harry finally, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, kissing my head repeatedly. "Bloody hell..."

"Can someone please tell us what's going on?" I snapped, pushing the boy away. "Ron? Dean?"

"Excellent, are we carrying on?" Fred cheered, jumping off the last step - that was until his eyes landed on Lyra; they nearly popped out of their sockets. And to my increasing interest, Lyra turned a light shade of pink.

"Everyone back upstairs!" Percy yelled, hurrying into the common room and pinning his Head Boy badge to his pyjamas as he spoke. His gaze landed on us girls. "What do you five think you're doing? It is two thirty in the morning! Miss Medina, what're you doing in here? Why are you dressed-!"

"Sorry, Percy-" Mione began, but to her plain annoyance, Ron interrupted.

"Perce - Sirius Black!" said Ron faintly. "In our dormitory! With a knife! Woke me up!"

The common room went very still.

"Nonsense!" Percy shook his head, looking startled. "You've had too much to eat, Ron...had a nightmare-"

"I'm telling you-"

"Now, really, enough is enough!"

Professor McGonagall was back, and I immediately pushed Lyra under a table, yanking my skirt back down to my knee, gesturing to my friends to do the same. Professor McGonagall slammed the portrait behind her as she entered the common room and stared furiously around.

"I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, I expected better of you!"

"I certainly didn't authorise this, Professor!" said Percy, puffing himself up indignantly. "I was just telling them all to get back to bed! My brother Ron here had a nightmare-"

"IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE!" Ron shouted, looking desperately at Professor McGonagall. "Professor, I woke up and Sirius Black was standing over me, holding a knife!"

Everyone stared at him.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley," said Professor McGonagall sternly, "how could he have possible got through the portrait hole?"

"Ask him!" cried Ron, pointing a shaking finger at the back of Sir Cadogan's picture. "Ask him if he saw-"

Glaring suspiciously at Ron, Professor McGonagall pushed the portrait back open and went outside. The whole common room listened with bated breath. My heart thundered loudly against my ribs, and it only increased when Harry slid his hand into mine.

"Sir Cadogan," said Professor McGonagall, "did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?"

"Certainly, good lady!" Sir Cadogan exclaimed.

There was a stunned silence, both inside and outside the common room, in which Harry subtly pulled me closer to him.

"You - you did?" said Professor McGonagall. "But - but the password-!"

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