Detective mode

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"Will...can I go to a party tonight?" Tate ran up to the couch as jay followed her into the house. Will shot his head around, "well if you're asking me that means jays already said no, so no" he looked at her seriously. Tate scoffed, "ugh" she sighed before wandering off to her room. Jay sat on the couch and shook his head, "what's up with her? She never goes to parties" Will took a sip from his beer. Jay shrugged his shoulders, "no clue, but she's not going so don't go all soft on her" he warned Will. Will smirked and raised his hands in defence.

At around 5pm will and jay had to go to work which meant they would have to leave Tate home alone, "I mean it Tate, if you go to that party you won't make it till your 16th birthday" jay poked his head around her bedroom door. Tate didn't like jays serious side even though she hadn't really seen it, but still, he was scary. She looked away and nodded, she was going either way though. She had to.

"You trust her?" Jay raised an eyebrow at Will as they walked out of the house and locked the doors so she couldn't leave, we'll, through the doors anyways. Will laughed, "jay shes 15, not 5" he shook his head. Jay rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah whatever" he sighed and got into his car. They both left the drive and headed to their work places.

"I'm so dead" Tate mumbled to herself as she put on her dress to go to the party. She wasn't really keen on going to the party in the first place since jay had told her many stories about finding dead girls during his cases that involved teenagers and parties to scare her, that rattled her up a lot. She didn't really have a choice though, she had to go. She put on some mascara and grabbed her heels before scrambling over to the window. It wasn't too high up but she still shivered at the height, "here goes nothing" she sighed and clutched her heels in her hand. She left her phone at home because she knew jay would ping it and if it was at home then he wouldn't worry. She landed with a thud on the grass outside, she shook herself off and then put her heels on before walking away with her head down.

Will was working away in the ED, he wasn't really too bothered about Tate since he had a little more trust in her than jay did. Jay on the other hand was working a hard case, he pinged tates phone since he didn't trust her one bit, he saw it was at home but that mean nothing, he knew her phone was at home but that didn't mean she was.

Tate was at the party having a terrible time, there were a lot of boys and a lot of booze. The truth was she was only there for her best friend, she didn't want to go but she had to be there for her. "Hello beautiful ladies" a 17 year old boy strolled up to the pair and and stood in front of Tate. "Can we help you?" She sighed and looked up to him. "Yeah, you two look bored so here take these. I'm not really offering either so, take these" he pushed two drinks in front of them. Tate shook her head, if she drank will would be digging her grave because jay would strangle her himself, "no thanks" she pushed it away.

The boy scoffed and sat down next to her, he wrapped his arms around Tate and grabbed her ass. Tate didn't think anything of it because it wasn't the first time boys from her school had touched her ass. She just thought that was how boys were meant to act. The boy picked up the red party cup and tipped it into her mouth, Tate tried to push away but it was too late. She had already swallowed a mouth full of what tasted like beer.

She grabbed the party cup since she had already drank most of it from the boys helping hand, she frowned and looked down at the cup as her head started spinning and her stomach started hurting. She felt the urge to drink the rest of it, like something was telling her to do it. Her best friend done the same and they both downed the drink. The boy smiled and got up, "I'm gonna go get you two another drink" he walked off. Tate felt this guilty feeling inside as she leant back on the couch and stared off into space, she reminded herself of her dad when he was alive, a drunk.

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