After eating something, Aiden suggest I take a shower. 

I make my way toward the stairs, but turn around when I realize being alone will worsen my state, which I'm trying to break out of. So I ask someone to stay with me.

The warm feeling comes back when Aiden happily accepts my offer.

After fifteen minutes I nestle myself between Isaac and Kayden with my blanket, which I apparently got from them. The warm feeling spread when Aiden told me about their present. 

While I'm snuggling my blanket, Isaac's eyes meet mine, silently asking for a cuddle. I smile slightly and he opens his arms.

My head is now laying on his chest, his heartbeat is sending me in a peaceful slumber. The surrounding sounds from the movie becomes a blur, and I slip into the quiet darkness. 


My eyes are shut close, while I'm standing in this horrific place. I'm trying to hide my fear from him, he loves it too much. 

"Open your eyes darling, you don't want to miss this."

My eyes flutter open to meet his evil green ones, he has this sinister grin on his face knowing he will enjoy this. 

He grabs my arm roughly and pushes my sleeve up, so my flesh is exposed to him. He turns on his lighter and brings the flame against my bare arm.

Screams escape my mouth while tears are staining my cheeks. I yank my arm away, desperately trying to escape him, which only causes him to laugh. 

"You can't escape me you foolish girl," he says with a smile that will haunt me forever. 

I'm struggling so hard, but he has an iron grip. 

The smell of burning flesh is all I can smell. 

"I don't know why I didn't think of this before as a punishment," he says.

"Please stop, I will be good!" I beg him

He chuckles in response, and removes the lighter.

My arm was hurting so much, and I saw this ugly burn. His torment felt like an infinity, but it were probably mere seconds. 

He started punching me because he thought the burn wasn't bad enough. 

All this torture because I accidentally burned the food while I was bringing him his beer. 

The burned food was the inspiration for his new punishment. 

He stopped his beating and roughly grabbed my burned arm, putting pressure on it, which caused a scream from me. 

"Come on, we're going to have some fun upstairs," he said while dragging me toward the stairs.

"No, no, no. Leave me alone!" I yelled.

I was kicking, screaming, doing everything I can to escape his malicious intentions. 

I didn't want him to touch me again.

Bile was rising at my throat, and my breathing was out of control. 

Suddenly I felt someone shaking my shoulder which confused me. 

The shaking didn't stop. 

I blinked and was in a different environment, I was scared and confused.

My breathing was still out of control when I looked around me trying to figure out where I am.

Someone helped me sit up, and a voice caught my attention saying I was safe. 

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